fill your cup

Empty Cup.jpg

Because the time has come to make yourself a priority.  Yes, the time has come to take some time for you.  It is not selfish to do so, in fact it is needed.  

For me this looks like a few minutes on my porch, riding my bicycle, fueling my body with healthy options.  All of these and many more are a part of my self-care arsenal.  I turn to them to fuel my mind, body, and heart.  I turn to them to fill me up.  I turn to them and they bring me joy.  

Somedays I can spend hours emerged in one of these practices.  Other days it may just be a few minutes.  And then there are the days when I miss it completely.  But one thing is for certain, I am tuned in to knowing that I need to dedicate some time for me.  If I do not I become irritable and cranky.  My temper becomes short and I feel like I am living in a fog.  

To avoid going down that rabbit hole I pause.  Take a deep breathe.  Notice the way the blue sky and green trees make me smile.  I say hello to strangers.  I choose to be present.  

Taking care of me is important.  I know that I do not show up as my best self when I have slacked in the care department.  But when I do I am a better partner, friend, aunt, daughter, co-worker.  I choose to notice and be aware.  When I slack, I feel it.   

I am looking forward to diving in to 30 days of dedicated self-care as I host the Mindful Moments e-course.  I will be sharing the lessons I learned on my ten year journey to finding myself and unearthing what self-care practices work for me.  We begin tomorrow {June 1st} and I hope that you will join me.  

Now more than ever we need to show up for ourselves so that we can show up better for the world.  Make yourself a priority today and join me in Mindful Moments.


self-care brings forth self-love

mindful moment

Being sure I showered and brushed my teeth before I headed out the door was my go to college self-care routine.  At the time I had no idea what self-care truly meant and how important it was to my overall well being.  I knew then that I had to eat more veggies and get protein in my body {although I never really did that}but what I didn't know was that self-care extended far beyond the food I ate.  In fact what was truly important was my mental and spiritual self.  This side of myself I had no idea how to tend to as I was still unearthing who I was.  

Today if I do not take care of myself I become irritable, cranky, and want to spend time on my own.  It is in these moments that I will turn to netflix and veg out on the coach.  But even non-stop episodes of Brothers & Sisters does not help fill my well and bring me back to me.  

Writing is one of my self-care practices.  When I feel this lost distant version of myself it is usually because I have not sat with my journal in a really long time. The blank page provides me a space to let go of all my worries, expectations, fears, and dreams.  It is my opportunity to say exactly how I feel and work through how to get to how I want to feel.  

Meditation is another one of my go to's.  Sitting, even if just for a few moments helps me clear my head and just be.  Even just five minutes of uninterrupted silence in my car can do wonders for my mood.  

But here's the thing.  We do not have to wait until we are irritated and fighting with everyone we know to give ourselves permission to take some time for self-care.  We can carve out a few moments each day to fill our well and ignite our inner light.  

Self-care takes practice.  It is like a muscle you have to condition over time.  If you let it go it will become flabby and leave you feeling heavy.  But if you work on it, even if just for a little bit each day it will become stronger and more resilient.  

You cannot pour from your cup to give to others if you have let your own cup run dry.  You need to tend to you mind, body, and heart.  You deserve a moment just for you.  You deserve to feel yourself lit up from the inside out.  You deserve to do whatever it is that makes you happy. 

I invite you to take some time for you.  To start a practice of self-love, compassion, and kindness.  I invite you to make yourself a priority and fill your own well.  Do not wait for someone else to do it for you.  You are the one in charge of your own happiness.  You are the one who decides what you are going to do and where you are going to go.  You are the one who makes the rules for you.  How is it that you want to feel?  

Now more than ever you need to shower yourself with kindness so that you can show up in this world as the best version of yourself.  When you are kind to you, you set an example and inspire others to do the same for themselves.  

Everyone's version of self-care looks a little bit different, but one thing is for certain.  We all want to be happy.  We all want to feel love.  We all want to smile with our entire being.  

So join me for 30 days of self-love prompts, inspiring stories, adventures, and inspiration that will guide you in starting your own attainable self-care practice.  Through audio, video, and written prompts you will be unable to unearth what your heart needs.  This doesn't require any fancy tools or makeup.  The most beautiful part about self-care is that you show up exactly as you are and nourish your mind, body, and spirit.  

We begin on June 1st and all lessons will be delivered to your inbox so that you can revisit them time & time again. 


Or click HERE to learn more.  Together we will walk this journey and dive deep into self-kindness.  Will you join me?

love letter to journaling

Dear Journal,

I must start this letter with extreme gratitude for you.  You are are more than just sheets of paper bound together in a book.  You are the keeper of my heart.  You catch every single feeling I throw at you.  You never judge.  You simply just open up and allow me space to spill open.  Thank you!  

I have gravitated towards you ever since I was very young.  Tucking you deep below my mattress so my brothers couldn't find you.  You became my best friend then and you have remained ever since.  Although I could write pages and pages about why I love you here is a quick list to let you know some of those reasons.  

Top 5 Reasons why I LOVE you!

  1. You give me space to show up and say exactly how I feel in that moment.  I don't have to put on a filter or think about anyone else's feelings.  I can write directly from my heart and that feels so good.  You understand that these feelings may not depict how I truly feel about something, it is just where I am at in that moment.
  2. I can take you anywhere!  I have journaled while waiting for a plane, on a plane, in my car, at the park, at a coffee shop, in bed ... the list could go on and one.  All I need is you a pen and I am set!
  3. You are the keeper of my stories.  You show me how far I have come and remind me of where I have been. 
  4. When I struggle to say something out loud you give me space to work it out.  
  5. Because writing in you heals my heart, encourages me to keep stepping forward, and helps me to understand who I am and where I want to go.

I feel so lucky to have such a divine kinship in you.  Without, oh my goodness I would be a mess.  I tell you all the stories, even the ones I didn't realize I needed to tell.  You give me the opportunity to see them from a new perspective and with a bit of space between us.  This provides me the chance to calm my nerves and unearth how I really feel.  

I have turned to you a countless number of times in utter desperation and in celebration.  You remind me that in life there is space for everything, we just need to take the time to tend to it.  You open up your blank pages to me even if I keep you closed for long stretches of time.  You always whisper "I am here" and this is such a comfort to me.  

Because of you I know and understand the power of writing our stories.  We must put them down on paper.  We must get them out of our hearts and our heads and give them space to breathe.  This simple act of writing lifts the weight from our shoulders and clears space inside for new and incredible adventures.  

I know you are just like me and wish that everyone would carry you around and spill open into you.  I think the world would be a better place if everyone spent a few minutes a day with you.  Have no fear, I am doing my part and spreading the word.  I am out there encouraging others to grab a hold of you and write away.  

Thank you, thank you, thank you!  I will continue to carry you with me wherever I go.  Writing down dreams, ideas, fears, worries and sharing all of my stories.  You will continue to be a beacon of light for me.  My best friend and most trusted confidante.  Let's continue this journey together.  


P.S.  If you are interested in dipping your toes into the world of journaling or an avid journaler yourself and could use a bit of spark to get you going again I invite you to join me for Brave Journaling.  During our time together I will provide writing prompts and inspiration to get your pen moving.  You will leave the course feeling ready to approach the blank page and spill your heart open.  



Words of Love!

"To any contemplating this, I encourage you to give it a try.  I admit that I won't be abel to join this session, because I will be working on another magazine article for publication.  You see, it was precisely here - in one of Jennifer's writing classes - that I rediscovered my love of writing and found my true self."  - Rita Herrmann

"I am really looking forward to your newest class.  The last one allowed me to be refreshingly honest with myself and to help realign my priorities.  I am looking forward to staying on that track with this class and excited to see how it challenges me this time around.  Jen you are doing an amazing job."  - Kelly

brave journaling

My journal holds my stories and the inner weavings of my heart.  It knows everything about me and gives me space to bravely show up and spill open.  I can tell anything to those pages and it will soak it up.  There is no judgment or talking back, just an open space that I can fall deeply into.  

I have been journaling ever since I was young.  Scribbling down thoughts about my crushes and writing about my deepest fears and dreams.  There is no story that is off limits.  I tell the truth, the whole messy heart wrenching truth.  I work through the darkness and come out on the other side a little bit lighter.  

When I was younger I thought there was something wrong with me because I struggled to form sentences when I was going through something deep and emotional.  I would try to piece together the words but they never came out right.  During one difficult moment my boyfriend at the time saw me struggling deeply so he urged me to pull out my notebook and write.  I wrote and wrote getting it all out of me.  Once I was finished writing we sat down and talked about it and I could actually form sentences and speak, it was incredible.  Showing up on the page first gave me the opportunity I needed to process and understand exactly what I was feeling.  Once I had that space cleared I could articulate what I was going through and we were able to have a really good conversation about it.  

It was in that moment I learned there was nothing wrong with me, I just needed time to process what I was feeling.  The page gives me this opportunity to show up and say everything that is in my heart.  I can write about my deepest and darkest fears.  I can write about the things I feel others may judge me on.  I can write and write.  Once I get it all out of me my head is clear and I am able to have a discussion about it.  

The page is my best friend.  It is the place I turn to first.  It is where I process all of my feelings and figure out my next steps.  My writing is messy.  There are incomplete sentences and misspellings.  There are cross outs, times where I begin again, and other moments where I stop half way through.  It is raw, real, and beautiful.  It is exactly how I feel in that moment. It is my heart spilled onto the page.  

I am grateful to have this space to turn to. Grateful that it allows me the opportunity to be brave.  It is always there waiting for me and I carry it around with me wherever I go because I never know when an emotion, feeling or story will need to be told.  It is my security blanket in a world of uncertainty.  

Yes, journaling is how I come home to myself time and time again. 

Journaling is one of my self care practices.  It is the thing I turn to time and time again.  There may be long stretches where I do not show up, but I know that my journal is always there waiting for me with wide open arms.  

My Brave Journaling class is back for another installment and I couldn't be happier.  It has been incredible to see the way other individuals open up to the page and dive on in.  From first hand experience I know that journaling is healing and seeing that healing take place in others is pure magic.  

This class is for YOU if you are:

  • Interested in self-exploration and learning how to use writing as a tool to help you heal and dream
  • Looking to unearth your stories
  • Wanting to learn how to see the page as a friend and not an intimidating blank space
  • Looking to learn how to write from a place from a place of honesty and compassion
  • Curious about writing

First time journalers and seasoned writers are welcomed.  

I invite you to join me for 21 days of brave journaling where together we will show up and let our stories spill out onto the page.  

Journaling will:

  • Provide you a space to tell your stories
  • Help you gain confidence in your voice 
  • Help you to become more present
  • Guide you into tuning into your feelings
  • Provide you the opportunity to release the stories you have been carrying around for far too long
  • Awaken your inner spark
  • Allow you the opportunity to write from a place of compassion, free of judgement

Class begins February 21st and runs through March 12th and for the very first time I will be offering the opportunity to get a session of mentoring along with the class.  I am beyond excited about this opportunity and the chance to work one on one.  I know that journaling can feel like a very lonely experience at times and through the mentoring session we will be able to connect and work through anything that comes up for you.  

Click HERE to learn more about Brave Journaling!  

I hope to see you in class!  If you have any questions feel free to leave a note in the comments or drop me a message at



share your story

We gathered around the Thanksgiving table and his aunt and mom told stories of when he was young.  It was lovely to get this insight into who he was before I met him.  Along with this story there are many more, each one playing a part into who he has become.  

Hearing these stories filled my heart with happiness, yet at the same made it break a little bit thinking of how my mom was longer with us to tell the stories of my childhood.  My mom knew me before I knew myself.  She was the keeper of all the stories and always told us of the times we had forgotten.  She knows the story of when I lost my first tooth, learned how to ride a bike, and how it all went down the night I was born with clown makeup and all. 

I think of my three year old niece who spent a lot of time with my mom. She was with her almost every day and will still speak of her.  I know that as she grows older those memories of her will fade and the angel necklace she wears will become to small.  

But my father is teaching all of us that the memories never have to fade if we keep sharing stories about her.  There are moments with my family that I feel strange talking about my mom.  I know when I bring her up that tears surface for all, but I enjoy speaking about her.  She has infused so much into me and my family.  Her spirit lives on in all of us.  

At my Father's thanksgiving table he brought my mom along by drawing her as his place setting and writing around it that he was thankful for 40+ years with her.  I wasn't there to witness when he drew it but I was so grateful to have been able to see it in person when I gathered with him later in the day.  

This drawing is a reminder that we must continue to share stories about my mom.  We must talk about her often, even if the tears surface.  This is what keeps her spirit alive, and there are so many stories to choose from.  There are happy pants, and moments at the shore, chocolate covered pretzels, and tar beach.  There are corny jokes and seashells.  Nutcrackers and birthday dinners.  

Sharing stories of her feels healing and fills me with love.  Even though she won't be with us this holiday her spirit will be and the traditions that she has instilled in us will be carried through.  You can find a piece of her in everything we do.  

It is important to share our stories. To speak of what made us.  To laugh about the hard times and savor the good moments.  Each piece our the story is what has made us who we are today. When we share these stories we are inviting people in and bringing down the wall.  This is necessary for connection.  

This past year has filled my heart and soul with stories.  The time the front lawn of my parents house was filled with feathers.  Sitting outside the hospital so my mom could have some alone time with her friend.  Her last mothers day.  The moment I gave her the bracelet.  Coloring together at Luke's birthday and the moment she took off her real pants to reveal her happy pants.  Even through the sad times there was so much goodness.  

I know I must share these stories.  They are the stories that have shaped my year and who I am.  Without these stories I am nothing.  

It is important for all of us to share our stories.  To show up and tell the truth, even if it hurts.  As individuals are gathering in the Heart Notes classroom stories are being shared of favorite memories from the year and I know there are plenty of more stories to come.  These stories give us a glimpse into someones life.  This is incredible personal and amazing. 

There is still time to join.   We begin class December 2nd.  Throughout our time together we will close out the year by looking back on all that was and dreaming and scheming for what we hope 2016 will hold.  

I invite you to join us and close out the year with a community of like minded, brave, and tender souls.  Even though you have to walk the journey yourself that doesn't mean you have to walk alone.  Together let's bid a proper farewell to 2015 and welcome in 2016 with a wide expansive heart.  

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mistakes were made

Yesterday I sent a letter to my mailing list {you can read it here} and there was an enormous grammatical error.  Throughout the letter I wrote "your good" instead of "you're good".  I didn't realize I had it wrong until some very kind friends pointed it out to me.  {Thank you!}

Upon first learning that I made this mistake my heart dropped.  That letter went out to my entire list and there was no way to correct it.  Eeeekkk!!!  I was extremely embarrassed and those little voices in my head began to shout some harsh words.  I was brought back to a post I read awhile ago where someone was upset that they bought a product that had a few grammatical/spelling errors in it. She felt that it was a direct reflection of who the person was and how much they cared (did not care) about their work.

I have never been great at grammar. My eighth grade English teacher can attest as I spent hours and hours after school getting extra help. I do not feel that my mistake is a reflection of who I am or a lack of carelessness....I simply got it wrong.  Thank's to those dear friends I now know the proper way to use these words.  A lesson I hope remains engrained in my brain.  

I am human.  That means I am forever learning and growing. I can't let my mistakes define me. I need to keep moving forward a little bit wiser and with the lesson learned tucked into my pocket.  I am not perfect and will never try to be.  I am uniquely me, mistakes and all.  

I have learned that sharing the truth of our stories brings us together.  We all make mistakes and that is okay.  We cannot let our fear of making a mistake hold us back.  We must show up in this world and give it a try.  It is in these moments that we grow and expand.  


Final e-course of 2015!  

I am excited to announce my final e-course of 2015, Heart Notes.  They say we teach what we most need to learn and that is very true for this.  I invite you to join me in this soulful class where together we will close out 2015 with love, tenderness, and reflection.  

You have journey through another year.  Your feet have taken many steps, memories have been made, hearts have been broken, love has been shared.  There are so many moments to be grateful for, to celebrate, and even to let go of.  Join me December 2nd - January 1st and look back on all that has been.  

As we gather together for four weeks on a private blog we will explore the following themes:

Week One :: Taking Inventory
All companies end each year taking inventory of what is left.  This helps them plan for the new year.  You will do the same.  Taking an inventory on how you feel, where you stand, and what you are still carrying around.  

Week Two :: Celebrating What Was
You have done so much this year, YES you have.  Let's take the time to properly celebrate what was.  Through ceremony and a formal toast let's acknowledge how much you have accomplished!  

Week Three :: Letting Go of the Hardship
Not all moments in a year are beautiful and grand, but it is every moment that makes up who you are.  There are some moments that you no longer need to carry with you.  Through journaling exercises you will be able to let go of these moments and say goodbye.  

Week Four :: Dreaming and Scheming
What do you envision 2016 to look and feel like?  Through vision boarding and quick journal exercises you will uncover what you most desire for the new year and how you want to feel.  

Week Five :: A Final Goodbye, and a Brand New Hello
Yes, is time to say goodbye to 2015 and hello to 2016.  You will write letters, send notes, and prepare yourself to step boldly into 2016 with a wide open heart.  

Let's clear space so that you can boldly step into 2016.  

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Join me today!    $42.00

Looking forward to closing out the year with YOU!  If you have any questions about Heart Notes please drop me a line at