dear brave heart

dear brave heart

Dear Brave Heart,

Thank you for being with me on this journey called life.  I know it hasn’t always been easy. I have put you through the wringer.  Together we have traversed deep loss, heartbreak, uncertainty, fear. We rode the waves of emotions and even when we didn’t think we would make it through; we did.

It amazes me how you continue to beat strongly.  How you push me forward and remind me that I can do it.  You never give up on me even when I want to give up on myself.  

You remind me again and again that joy comes from choosing to be fully alive.  But the thing is, I need to make that choice every single day.

You have shown me that even in the darkest of hours there is beauty.  But I need to be the one to seek it out.

You taught me how laughter is so needed and have shown me the way it sparks an incredible amount of joy.   

You radiate love and encourage me to look for it in all situations.  

I am grateful for the way you push me to show up.  How you hold me close when I need a little bit of extra TLC and how you nudge me when you know I can be doing more.  

It is incredible the way you stretch and expand.  How you open up and invite others in. And how you know when you need to take a step back and retreat.  

Dear heart, you bring so much richness to my life.  You have shown me the importance of taking a risk, being vulnerable, and sharing my true self.  You are filled with compassion and grace. You never judge but hold me tenderly.

Thank you for being my constant companion.  For guiding me and helping me unearth my path forward.  Know how deeply I appreciate your light, your warmth, your strength.  I am grateful that we get to travel together.

Your Biggest Fan

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