choosing to detox


Last night was a new moon.  The beginning of a brand new chapter.  

During the phase of a new moon, you may find yourself detoxifying your life and releasing anything that is weighing you down.  It is the perfect time for clearing out. Clearing out unhealthy habits or behaviors. Clearing out negative thoughts. Clearing out what drains you, what is limiting you, what doesn’t feel right. It is the perfect time to let it all go.

Not even realizing that this new moon was upon us I had begun feeling the need to shift and release.  There was an inner stirring inside me that I could not ignore.

After arriving home from a blissful week away filled with too many indulgences my body was craving a reset.  I felt heavy, bloated, and unmotivated to move. I knew I needed to make a change. Luckily waiting at my doorstep was the 5-day detox from

While I was tucked away near the ocean I came across an ad on Instagram for this product and was intrigued to learn more.  Usually, I am pretty skeptical of IG Ads as once I start reading the reviews they do not seem to live up to the beautiful imagery in the post.  But YourSuper was different. The reviews were glowing, and my curiosity peaked.

Being in the state I was, feeling like I needed a reset I took a leap and placed an order.  For the past four days, I have been staying true to their plan and detoxing my body. This is the first time I think I have ever actually stayed consistent.  

It feels good to be showing up.  It feels good to be following through.  And it feels even better to be nourishing my body with fruits and vegetables.  

After these five days I know I want to show up more for myself in the health department.  To choose green’s over sugar. Water over alcohol. Moving my body verse laying on the couch.  

I want to do better for myself.  I know I deserve it.

Making these conscious choices for only four days has already had me feeling so much better.  I no longer feel bloated or heavy and I am motivated to move. This reset is just what I needed to kick things into high gear.  The perfect accompaniment to the new moon.

Outside of detoxing my body I have also been detoxing my closet.  Letting go of clothing that has just been hanging around for far too long.  Pieces that don’t make me happy.

I pulled every single thing out of my closet and draws, yes every single thing. I made piles on my bedroom floor and realized just how much clothing I owned, why is that I always say I have nothing to wear?  It felt so great to see the closet empty.

Piece by piece I went through each item. Trying it on to ensure it still fit.  And parting with the things I no longer needed. I even went through my shoes!

I found many things that I had forgotten I had.  Pants that look great on me that I never wear. Tops that I forgot I ever owned.  I am a creature of habit, wearing the same thing week after week. But now I have so many more choices!

My mom used to do this thing where she would turn all of the hangers around in her closet.  If she wore a piece she would then turn the hanger the right way. After a certain amount of time, she would look at the hangers that never turned and let go of these items as she knew she never wore them.  

As I hung things back in my closet I choose to do just that.  It will be interesting to see what I don’t wear, what I can eventually let go of.  It feels good to have everything in its place, neatly folded and not having to cram it in and struggle to close the draw.  

Going through my closet has been something that has been nagging me every single time I slid the door open.  I knew it had to be done, but never took the time to actually do it. But the time it took was so worth it!

My body is detoxing, my closet is refreshed and I feel like a brand new person.  This is such a reminder that I need to show up and take care of myself. I can tend to get wrapped up in everyone else’s things but it’s important to listen to what is really going on with me and do what my soul is calling.  Even if that calling means eating better and cleaning out the closet!

In what way can you detoxify as you step into this new moon?  

What one thing can you release to lighten the load you carry? Remember, you deserve it!

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Do you crave connection with like-minded souls?  
As human beings, we need moments to connect and help us grow into who we are meant to be. Retreat is a beautiful and sacred way to cultivate this.  It provides an opportunity to disconnect from the hustle and reconnect to your great big beautiful heart!

Choose to do something for yourself and join me by the sea! The ocean is an amazing place to detoxify your soul.

October 2nd-6th in New Jersey!

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