need you to know

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There is something that I need you to know. And I want you to really listen. Because what I am about to say is the truth. Even if you don’t feel it in the moment, allow it space to sink in.

YOU … matter in this world. Yes YOU do!

You may not be where you want to be. You may wish things were different. You may be dreaming of having more financial freedom, more vacation days, more time to spend on the things you love. I get, I so get it.

But here’s the thing. All you really have is this moment in front of you. And you are the one who gets to choose what you do and how you react.

Will you spend it scrolling on social media or savoring the warm sunshine that is beaming into your window?

Will you replay in your head over and over again the conversation you wish went differently or will you sink into the lessons you learned and forge ahead?

Will you continue to play it safe or will you take risks?

Will you hide what your passionate about or will you share your light with others?

It is easy to just coast by. But the world doesn’t want that for you. Not at all. The world wants to see you shine. You posses an incredible gift that only you have. It is time for you to give yourself space to fully stand in your light.

Do not worry about what others think. Know that what you have to offer is a gift. And you can’t waste anymore time keeping it to yourself. The world needs what you have to offer.

Stand tall.

Lean into the light.

Take a deep breathe in and step boldly into the life you know you are meant to be living.

Now is the time.

What are you waiting for?

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