if I knew then what I know now

If I knew then what I know now
I would be a lot kinder to myself
Dropping the judgment and layering on the love
I would listen to my intuition
And leave behind the criticism of others
I would stand tall in who I am
Head held high, shoulders back, a smile on my face
I wouldn’t worry what others thought
But did what my heart desired
I would laugh out loud
Dance in the aisles of the grocery store
Chat with strangers
Share my stories
Go on more trips
Seek out new places
Give lots of hugs
Spend more time connecting rather than cleaning
If I knew then what I know now
I would worry less
Trust more
And show up sparkling in the world

If I knew then what I know now

This is the first writing prompt for this round of the Love Notes Postcard Project. How would you respond? Share in the comments below.

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because snail mail still matters

love notes

When is the last time you sat down and wrote someone a letter?  The last time you were excited to go to your mailbox and see what was waiting inside {and no, not because a package from amazon was waiting for you}.  The last time you took a moment to connect with someone through the written word?  

Today we rely on instant connection.  A text message here, a check in on social media, a tweet, a like, a comment, maybe even an email.  It is quick and fleeting.  I love that we have the ability to connect with one another instantly.  It is like a little piece of magic in the palm of your hands.  

But what if you slowed down for a moment.  Took some time to write a note to a friend on a blank piece of paper.  Then dropped that note into the mailbox and gave it some more time to reach them.  How do you think your friend would feel when they opened up their mailbox and saw a very special surprise just from you.  

It is incredible how one letter can change someones day.  

A few years ago I created the Love Notes Postcard Project.  A simple three week project centered around connecting with individuals through snail mail.  In this digital age I had no idea if people would be interested, but it was something I was craving and so I knew I had to put it out into the world.  

What emerged from this small idea was an incredible community of individuals connecting through the written word sent through the mail. 

Strangers writing to one another.
Strangers opening up their heart and sharing a piece of their world with each other.
Strangers connecting.
Strangers reaching out to others who needed a little extra TLC.
Strangers no longer strangers, but friends.

It is the power of the written word that has brought these individuals together. Their hearts are as wide as the ocean.  Their courage to take a chance is immense.  There desire to lift others up with no expectation of anything in return is incredible.  They are a community of Love Notes senders.  It was the lure of the written word that brought them together, but it was their willingness to open up and connect that has made them friends.  

I never in my wildest dreams imagined such a divine and loving community forming out of the Love Notes Project.  Each time I visit the facebook group my heart overflows with gratitude and love.  It is these individuals who make the project possible and it is their divine kindness that forms deep meaningful connections. 

The project is simple.

3 weeks + 3 writing prompts = 3 postcards sent and received

Individuals from around the world have participated including the United Kingdom, Ireland, Spain, France, Canada, Japan, Sweden, Finland, Germany, and more.  There have been places I had to look up because I wasn't even sure where they were on the map.  

In a world filled with uncertainty this project reinforces that there is still good in the world.  There are kind and loving individuals reaching out a hand.  We stand together, sharing our hearts, sharing our stories, sharing hope.  

What may be simple words to you could be the exact words someone else needs to hear.  What you write could change someones day or bring a smile to their face.  Your postcard is a little piece of fairy magic.  You may never know the effect is has on others along it's journey and when it arrives at it's final destination, but that is part of the wonder.

I am excited for the very next round of Love Notes starting on Sunday, January 14th.  There is still time for you to join us if you are interested.  There is no requirement to be creative or an exceptional writer.  The prompts are simple and the writing space on a postcard is short and sweet.  Store bought postcards work perfectly.  And if you don't have a postcard a note card works as well.  In fact any piece of paper you can drop in the mail is perfect.  

I invite you to come back to the basics and join us for three weeks of snail mail fun. 

Love Notes is back!

It's back!  Another round of Love Notes begins July 10th and I can't wait to start.  Love Notes is a fun, easy, and free three week project that involves sending one postcard a week to a complete stranger.  Yes, you heard that right, sending a bit of snail mail to someone you may not know.  When is the last time you received a handwritten note in the mail just for you?  My mailbox tends to be filled with bills and mailers, nothing that excites me, but Love Notes changes all of that.    

Love Notes was born out of this desire to connect with people, to have individuals share handwritten words, and to have a project that was easy and attainable for anyone.  There is no artistic ability needed to participate in this project.  Postcards can be bought or made.  What matters most is taking the time to send a bit of handwritten love.  Words have the power to heal and transform individuals.  

In the last round which took place in April we had 300 individuals writing!  In that round I hit a milestone mark having at least one person from every state in the USA participate.  It was incredible.  I hope to be able to do that again.  But this project isn't just limited to individuals in the US, nope it's global!  I have seen participants from Australia, Bahamas, Canada, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Malta, New Zealand, Slovenia, Sweden, and the United Kingdom.  

New this round is the opportunity for children to participate.  I have been getting a lot of questions about how children can get involved and have figured out a way to make it happen.  If you know a child that is interested please click the check box in the sign up form and I will be contacting you to work through the details.  

When I first started this project I had no idea that it would unfold into such a beautiful community of loving, kind, and supportive individuals.  My heart opens up more and more during each round as I see the outpouring of kindness for one another.  Yes it's true, one postcard can change a persons day.  Check out the Love Notes Facebook Group to see a bit of what I am talking about.  

Together let's fill the world with love!

love notes virtual dock

The first round of the Love Notes Postcard Project (#lovenotesjb) for 2016 has just begun.  If you missed it do not worry as I will be hosting it three more times this year.  

I love this project for it's simplicity.  3 postcards + 3 stamps = 3 weeks of happy mail!  Plus, I provide a writing prompt so there is never any questions as to what to write about.  

When I first began this project I had no idea that it would expand to all over the world  This round we have individuals participating from:

  • Australia
  • Bahamas
  • Canada
  • Denmark
  • Iceland
  • Ireland
  • Italy
  • Japan
  • Sweden
  • Switzerland
  • United Kingdom 
  • United States 

It is incredible to me how one simple note in the mail can change a persons day for the better, bring happiness, and begin friendships.  But that is what Love Notes does.  It ignites sparks of love and kindness and spreads them throughout the world.  The world could always use a little more love and kindness!  

I wish there was a way for me to wave a magic wand and have everyone who is participating together.  It would be so lovely to see be gathered around one very large table chatting about our lives, sharing our dreams, and gushing over our mutual passion for snail mail.  But since that is not physically possible I invite you to join me on our virtual dock where you can stop by people's digital front porches and say hello.  Get a peek into their world and see where they are writing from.  Stop by and say hello.  

virtual dock.jpg

Love Notes Postcard Project {14} *some* Participant Blogs
(in no particular order)

In our social world of facebook, instagram, and twitter we forget that so many people are sharing more of their hearts on their blogs.  But they are still out there, and I know they would enjoy if you popped over for a visit and you would totally make their day if you left a comment.  

But if you are looking to stay social you can find Love Notes:

  • On Facebook - stop by and join a community of love
  • On Instagram by searching  #lovenotesjb

Love Notes Postcard Project is back!

Savor the moments.jpg

The Love Notes Postcard project is back for it's first installment for 2016 and I cannot wait to begin.  We start on January 10th!  Are you ready to say yes, click HERE to sign up.  Not sure, read below for more information.    

Is your mailbox feeling lonely?  
Have you only been receiving bills and mailers?  
Do you long for a little handwritten bit of sunshine to surprise you?  

Look no further than the Love Notes Postcard Project

This FREE  project only requires:

  • Three postcards
  • Three stamps
  • And an open heart

Next round begins January 10th

Here's how it works:

  • You will get paired up with another participant
  • Each Sunday for three weeks (beginning January 10th) a writing prompt will arrive in your email box
  • Simply respond to the writing prompt on your postcard and drop it in the mail before Thursday
  • Keep a look out in your mailbox for a postcard from your partner

That's right, simple and fun!  Click HERE to sign up.  

Pop on over to the Love Notes Postcard Facebook Page to say hello and check out below for some of the postcards sent in previous rounds on Instagram #lovenotesjb

love notes begins, again

Another round of the Love Notes Postcard Project (#lovenotesjb)  began this Sunday and I am ecstatic!  I started this project for two reason:

  1. I LOVE snail mail
  2. I was craving connection and thought others might be as well

The project is simple ... for three weeks you are matched up with someone, each Sunday I provide a writing prompt, and then you fill out your postcard in response to the prompt.  Yup, it is that easy and the only cost is the postcard and a stamp.  

When I began this project I had no idea how it would unfold.  All I knew was that the only thing that arrived in my mailbox were bills and that needed to change.  I needed  sunshine and words that I can dig into.  Something beautiful that I could hold in my hand that would push me to pause.  And so the Love Notes Postcard Project began.    

Individuals who have participated have taken this project above and beyond my wildest dreams.  Some create mini works of art that they send through the mail, others continue to write to one another long after the round is over, and some have even formed deep friendships.  This is  my 13th time hosting and each time it get's better and better.

I wish there was a way for me to wave my magic wand and have everyone together.  It would be lovely to see everyone's face, chat about what's important in our lives, and share our mutual passion for snail mail.  But, since participants are from all over the world that isn't physically possible.   So I invite you to gather on the virtual dock.  It is here where we can visit one another's virtual front porches.  Where we can get a peak into their lives and a feel for where they are writing from.  Stop by and say hello.  

virtual dock

I am {secretly} dreaming up mini love note gatherings.  An afternoon together around the table where we can meet and write love notes with one another.  An open space where we can show up exactly as we are and be surrounded my kindred spirits.  Is this something you would be interested in?  

It is amazing how this project started out as a conversation between Dustin and I.  An inkling of an idea.  Bouncing thoughts back and forth with one another.  And then just going ahead and taking the leap to see what would happen.  I am so glad that I took that leap.  It has brought me here to round 13 and knowing that there is so much love and beauty fluttering through the postal system. So fun!  

What idea do you have bubbling?  What little thing do you maybe want to try?  Give it a chance for you never know what will come of it.