connection with nature & community


If you ever come looking for me you will most likely find me outside.  Breathing in the fresh air, soaking in the sunshine, and connecting with nature.  This is what grounds me and brings me joy.    

Recently I had the opportunity to connect with two dear locals girls to chat about Love Notes as we explored a part of the Appalachian Trail together.  Kristen and Marybeth are the founders of 7th Heaven Hikes.  They believe that life is supposed to be a joyful experience for everyone.  They have a deep appreciation for nature and connecting with individuals.  They have just began their business venture together even though it has been long in the works before they even realized it.  They are a magical duo and refer to themselves as the Wonder Twins.  

Kristen and I met at Yoga Teacher Training.  Her spirt and spark lit up the room.  I admire her courage, the way she takes on challenges even when she is uncomfortable, and her deep spirited nature.  She is also a Jikeden Reiki Practitioner.  I have gone to her for Reiki treatments and always left feeling lighter and more energized.  

The work that Kristen and Marybeth are doing is so needed in today's world.  It is all about getting outside, connecting with nature, feeling the warm sunshine on your skin, breathing in the fresh air, and connecting with individuals. It is about stepping away from technology and stepping into this beautiful world that mother nature created.  As we hiked we saw many hearts which confirmed that it was a true Love Notes walk.  

You can connect with 7th Heaven Hikes through their website, Facebook page, and Instagram


What I love most about 7th Heaven Hikes is the in person connection with community.  This has been a focus for me.  I am most comfortable connecting with others through the written word.  Through writing I can cut right to the heart of the matter and do not have to worry about small talk.  As an introvert in person gatherings can take a toll on me.  I want to jump into the juicy stuff but struggle to know how to get there.  So I go where I am comfortable and listen rather than speak. 

But I am craving sitting across from you.  Looking into your eyes as we share our stories.  Reaching out and holding your hand.  Getting to know your mannerisms and being able to hear the sound of your voice.  Connecting in person allows us to go in deeper.  To really see one another.  

I have connected through the written word with so many amazing individuals in the Love Notes community.  It is filled with wide open hearts and I am always left in amazement for how giving, compassionate, and empathetic they are with one another.  I dream of gathering together.  Sitting around a giant campfire, telling stories, sharing our hearts, and simply just being together.  Oh the magic that would unfold if we were all in one place!  

Let's Get Together

Until I can iron out the details for a larger gathering I would love the opportunity to meet up with local Love Noters. 

I am based out of Mahwah NJ and will be doing something in the Bergen County area on the afternoon of August 5th.  If you are around I would to meet you.   

We can do so much more when we come together than we ever can alone.  And when we join together in person we are that much stronger.  I look forward to seeing you!  

Have any questions feel free to drop me a note:

together we can

love notes prompt

Together we can do so much more than we can on our own.  We need one another.  When we come together we cheer each other on, lean in, and help one another out. 

Together we rise.  

As a human being you are not meant to travel alone on this journey. 

You need connection
You need to be seen
You need to be heard

We flourish together.  We encourage one another to step forward, take a risk, take a leap.  We are there to listen, to be a sounding board, and sometimes just to sit quietly.  

Together we stand a little bit taller.  Head held high.   Shoulders back.  Heart open.  We believe in ourselves a little bit more and show others how deeply we believe in them.  We don't let people give up.  We provide the tools and strength they may not have in the moment.  

Together we move mountains.

We cannot wait for someone to come knocking on our door. We must reach out and bring others in.  Because together is where we are meant to be. 

This post was inspired by the second prompt for this round of the Love Notes Postcard Project.  This free, three week project invites individuals to get back to the basics and connect with others through snail mail.  This is the twenty third time I am hosting the project and could not be more excited.  

I may not know you but

love notes writing prompt

I may not know you {yet} but I know how hard you try.  I know the way you show up in this world with your heart on your sleeve giving it your all.  You fall down, but you always get back up.  You look to seek out the joy and you don't stop until you find it.  Sure others try to knock you down but you don't let them push you around. 

You may be quiet, but you are fierce.  A fighter for what is right and true.  You believe in kindness and surprising strangers with random acts of love.  You take the time to listen, truly listen.  You reach out and invite others in.  You know that we aren't meant to travel this world alone so you break down your own walls and share your heart with others.  

Your smile is a gift. 
Your patience is outstanding. 
The way you give others space to just be is beautiful.  

I may not know you, but I see you.  I honor your passion and am cheering you on.  Your light shines so bright in this world.  It touches places you do not even see.  Stand with your head held high, your shoulders back, and your heart shining.  And know that you are AMAZING!

This post was inspired by the first prompt for this round of the Love Notes Postcard Project.  This free, three week project invites individuals to get back to the basics and connect with others through snail mail.  This is the twenty third time I am hosting the project and could not be more excited.  

national letter writing month

national letter writing month

The US Post Office has officially declared April National Card and Letter Writing Month.  How divine to have a month dedicated to putting pen to paper.  Yes social media is great to instantly connect, but there is something special about slowing down and writing someone a letter.  

Writing a letter requires you to take a moment and pause.  You cannot just rush through it like you can a text message or email.  There is intention in the words you put down on paper. 

When it arrives in the recipients mailbox it is a ray of sunshine carrying with it joy and happiness.  What makes a letter magical is the ability to hold it in your hand and see the penmanship and doodles of the person who wrote to you.  It is a treasure that you can enjoy over and over again.  

When I was in high school I sought out a pen pal through an ad in Teen Magazine.  I had to beg my mom to send in the $5 to have me matched up with someone.  When I received the first letter I was beyond excited.  The envelope decorated with stickers and smiley faces and inside a letter documenting someones life.  We wrote to each other often for a couple of years sharing our heart aches and happy moments.  A friendship blossomed from afar long before internet communication was a thing.  I still have those letters tucked away in my parents attic and when I look at them they still make me smile. 

There are many different types of letters you can write and people you can write to.  What matters most is that you take the time to share your heart in words.  It does not have to be perfect.  There can be cross outs and misspelling.  As you write a new part of the story may unearth or your words may take you in a completely different direction.  Give yourself permission to explore on the page wherever your words want to go.  

Not sure where to get started?  Here are a couple of options:

  • Write to a friend or family member sharing your favorite memory of the two of you together.
  • Write to your significant other reminiscing about the day you first met and the moment you knew it was love.
  • Share a joke with a child.
  • Let a co-worker know how much you appreciate them.
  • Compliment a business or service that you enjoy.
  • Reach out to someone who inspires you and let them know why. 
  • Send your best friend the top ten reasons why you adore him or her.
  • Write to a grandparent and let them know what they have taught you.
  • Write a letter of encouragement to someone who is going through a hard time.  Let them know that you are there for them. 
  • Delight a stranger by leaving an encouraging note in a public place for someone to find. 

Your words have power and the ability to bring joy.  Share your words and feelings with those around you.  Let them know how much they mean to you.  I guarantee your letter will change their day.  

Does it feel to overwhelming to begin with a letter?  I invite you to join the Love Notes Postcard Project.  All you need is (1) something to write with, (2) something to write on and (3) three stamps. I will hand-select your pen pal and provides you with writing prompts for each of the three rounds.  We begin on April 8th.  

your words matter

love notes postcard project

Since the inception of Love Notes my mom would sign up for each round.  It always made me smile when I saw here name on the list.  Having your parents cheer you on never gets old no matter how many years you turn.  Plus, having them participate in something you created is the icing on the cake. 

But then her named stopped appearing.  I thought maybe she was to busy and didn't worry to much about it.  When the next round came and she didn't sign up I knew something was going on.  Was it that the obligatory phase of having to be involved in your childrens activities had faded?  Was she just not interested?  Did something about the project turn her off?  

Love Notes was created with the intention of being a project that was easy; something anyone could participate in.  I didn't want people to feel like they had to be an artist, create an incredible piece of work, or write brilliant words.  I didn't want anyone to be intimidated.  Yet that is exactly what was going on with my mom; she was intimated by the lovely postcards she had seen popping up in the Facebook Group

It is human nature for you to compare yourself to others.  Your inner demons sing their evil songs and weave a tale that tells says you aren't good enough and for some reason you begin to believe them.  You get into a vicious cycle of compare, compare, compare and you forget to look around and see what magic you are creating.  

You are uniquely you and bring beauty
to this world in a way that no other can!

No one expresses themselves the way you do.
No one shows up the way you do.
No one holds hands, gives hugs, or smiles the way you do.
Who you are and what you do matters
And you need to share that light with the world.  

I reassured my mom that she did not have to make her own postcards.  That what matters most is that she is taking time to write something to a complete stranger.  Even if all she wrote was; "hello, I am thinking of you" that would be enough and it would be a gift to the individual who received it.  She decided to fight those inner demons saying she wasn't good enough and she signed up again.  

Fast forward a few years.  My mom is no longer with us yet each time I host Love Notes I can feel her cheering me on.  Her spirit is strong and her handwritten notes that she has sent has touched the lives of others.  

By pure magic and divine kindness one of her notes arrived in my mailbox unexpectedly this year.  As I opened up the envelope I had no idea what it was but noticed the handwriting and was blown away that it looked so much like my mom's.  Upon further reading it was in fact my mom's handwriting. 

love note received

A fellow Love Note participant had stumbled across a note my mom had sent her when they were paired up together.  When she found it she felt a deep urge to share it with me and took the time to send it my way.  She also let me know how my moms words had touched her.  Tears filled my eyes as it sunk in that I was holding a note my mom had written.  That very piece of paper was in her hands.  There was intention, love, and kindness embedded into that card.  Those words were a gift to the recipient and they were now a gift to me.  

The words you use do not have to be fancy or perfectly put together.  You do not need to write with special ink or a particular piece of paper.  What truly matters is that you are reach out.  In reaching out you invite others in and remind them that they aren't alone.  Your words have the ability to lift someone up, change their day, and make them smile.  And you never know where your words are gonna end up.  

When my mom wrote that card she had no idea that on a day I was missing her deeply I would receive the greatest surprise in my mailbox, her words.  The words she never would have written had she let those demons win and tell her she wasn't good enough.  

The next round of Love Notes begins on April 8th.  I hope you will join us.  It is completely free to sign up. All you need is something to write with, something to write on, and three stamps.  I provide you with a partner and the prompts so you have a jumping off point on what to write.