connection with nature & community


If you ever come looking for me you will most likely find me outside.  Breathing in the fresh air, soaking in the sunshine, and connecting with nature.  This is what grounds me and brings me joy.    

Recently I had the opportunity to connect with two dear locals girls to chat about Love Notes as we explored a part of the Appalachian Trail together.  Kristen and Marybeth are the founders of 7th Heaven Hikes.  They believe that life is supposed to be a joyful experience for everyone.  They have a deep appreciation for nature and connecting with individuals.  They have just began their business venture together even though it has been long in the works before they even realized it.  They are a magical duo and refer to themselves as the Wonder Twins.  

Kristen and I met at Yoga Teacher Training.  Her spirt and spark lit up the room.  I admire her courage, the way she takes on challenges even when she is uncomfortable, and her deep spirited nature.  She is also a Jikeden Reiki Practitioner.  I have gone to her for Reiki treatments and always left feeling lighter and more energized.  

The work that Kristen and Marybeth are doing is so needed in today's world.  It is all about getting outside, connecting with nature, feeling the warm sunshine on your skin, breathing in the fresh air, and connecting with individuals. It is about stepping away from technology and stepping into this beautiful world that mother nature created.  As we hiked we saw many hearts which confirmed that it was a true Love Notes walk.  

You can connect with 7th Heaven Hikes through their website, Facebook page, and Instagram


What I love most about 7th Heaven Hikes is the in person connection with community.  This has been a focus for me.  I am most comfortable connecting with others through the written word.  Through writing I can cut right to the heart of the matter and do not have to worry about small talk.  As an introvert in person gatherings can take a toll on me.  I want to jump into the juicy stuff but struggle to know how to get there.  So I go where I am comfortable and listen rather than speak. 

But I am craving sitting across from you.  Looking into your eyes as we share our stories.  Reaching out and holding your hand.  Getting to know your mannerisms and being able to hear the sound of your voice.  Connecting in person allows us to go in deeper.  To really see one another.  

I have connected through the written word with so many amazing individuals in the Love Notes community.  It is filled with wide open hearts and I am always left in amazement for how giving, compassionate, and empathetic they are with one another.  I dream of gathering together.  Sitting around a giant campfire, telling stories, sharing our hearts, and simply just being together.  Oh the magic that would unfold if we were all in one place!  

Let's Get Together

Until I can iron out the details for a larger gathering I would love the opportunity to meet up with local Love Noters. 

I am based out of Mahwah NJ and will be doing something in the Bergen County area on the afternoon of August 5th.  If you are around I would to meet you.   

We can do so much more when we come together than we ever can alone.  And when we join together in person we are that much stronger.  I look forward to seeing you!  

Have any questions feel free to drop me a note:

love notes fairy secret note

love notes fairy

Each month I host the Love Notes Fairy Project.  It is one of the most favorite things I do because it is wrapped up in pure magic.  Strangers come together to send snail mail love to those who need it most.  Without expecting anything in return they take time to reach out, let someone know they aren't alone, and open up their heart to share love.  

Magic indeed!  

I am grateful for the community that continues to grow, and for the way they show up.  They understand the power of words and the human need for connection.  They know that as human beings we all go through the same common emotions.  We may not be in the same exact situation, but we have felt the same feelings.  And so we reach out a hand, a hug, a word.  And we connect.  

Last week was a long and crazy week for me.  Life in some ways has been flipped around and I am learning how to show up.  I know I need to live with courage and in doing so it may cause a bit of discomfort.  But I need to step into that discomfort and claim my own voice.  

I need to rise up and allow myself to be seen.  

I arrived home from work on Friday completely deflated.  My heart heavy, my soul tired.  But a surprise was waiting for me.  A note from a secret fairy from Canada letting me know that I am not alone and that the way I show up in this world matters.  This single note flipped my emotions and filled me with so much love and happiness.  

It is truly amazing how one little card changed my day.  It reminded me of how important it is for me to keep showing up.  Keep hosting the Love Notes Project.  Keep putting myself out there.  Because even if we cannot see the effect we have on the world it is a ripple and it is changing things in positive ways.  

What you say to others matters.  What words of kindness can you share with someone you know?  A simple hello, thank you, or I appreciate you goes a long way.  Take a moment today to reach out to someone and let them know how much they mean to you.  It will make there day!  

because your words can change someones day

"Unexpected kindness is the most powerful, least costly, and most underrated agent of human change" ~ Bob Kerrey

Throughout our lives we all encounter moments of struggle that rip us apart.  It is in these moments that we cannot tell up from down and we aren't sure if we will ever be able to stand on our own two feet again.  So we retreat into the comfort of the darkness.  

Yet, we are not meant to go at it alone.  There is a world filled with divine human beings who want to reach out, lend a helping hand, and let you know that you are seen.  

I have watched this unfold first hand through the Love Notes Fairy's and it has continuously restored my faith in love, compassion, and kindness.  

The Love Notes Fairy's are a group of individuals with wide open hearts.   They are ready and willing to send out handwritten notes to individuals they have never met.  They open their hearts because they understand the power of good will and they know that even a few words written on a card can shift someones day. Most likely they will never meet the people they write to, but they are ok with that.  They know what matters most is reaching out.     

Each month nominations are submitted by friends, family, and neighbors of individuals who could use a little extra love.  Some life circumstance has brought them to their knees and receiving a bouquet of love notes delivered to their mailbox (yes, their real mailbox) is something their friend knows will help bring a bit of sunshine to their days.  

And so the fairy's get to work.  They send out cards with no expectation of anything in return.  They may never even hear if their card was received.  But, they understand the chain reaction of kindness that can occur and trust the universe to inspire others to continue passing it along.  These fairies are beacons of light on dark days, carrying messages of hope, love, and compassion.  There is no judgment for where the other person is in their life, just words of tenderness.  

Sometimes all we need is to know that we are not alone. 

For the past five months the Fairies have been showing up and each day more join in on this secret mission of love. It is the simplest things in life, the small acts of kindness, that mean the most.  We must never forget this and choose that kindness each and every day.  

One recipient of the Love Note's Fairy Love has shared these words about her experience being surprised by the notes:

"I feel loved
I feel wrapped up in a blanket of healing
I feel a burst of joy in my heart
I feel how much they care
The love of strangers is one of my greatest joys!" - Ingrid

This is what it is all about.  A blanket of healing letting a stranger know that there are others out there who care, and that they are never ever alone. Yes, this can all happen with one single card arriving in someone's mailbox. Something that may take you two minutes to do can cause an incredible shift in someone's life.  

Go ahead, send a card today.  I dare you!  Let someone know you see them, you love them, and that they are never alone.  Pop it in the mail and release all expectations of what is to come.  Just allow the universe space to work it's magic.  

And if you want to spread a little more joy and love join in on the Love Note's Fairy Secret Mission.  You will be so glad you did.