It's time to begin

It's time to begin
The world is waiting for you to shine your light
I understand it may feel scary
But know that you are never alone
Take that brave step forward
Follow where your heart is guiding you
Be present in the moment
And never give up on your dreams

It's time to begin
To say yes to what is lighting you up
And no to what you no longer serves you
Make the choices that feed your soul
And choose the direction you want to travel
Don't get hung up on how it will all come together
Trust your own intuition
Do it your own way

It's time to begin
Believing in yourself
Seeing yourself as the amazing individual you are
Speaking words of kindness when you look in the mirror
Showing the world your bright beautiful smile
Standing tall with your head held high and your shoulders back
Feeling the love that surrounds you
Yes, it is time to fully step into yourself

Don't wait another second longer
Do one small thing today that gets you closer to where you want to be
Lean in and ask for help
Allow others to see your vulnerability
Stay true to who you are
And unearth the potential you have within
It is time to begin
Go ahead, get started


The writing prompt:  "It's time to begin" was pulled from this current round of the Love Notes Postcard project.  Another round started today and my heart is exploding with love knowing that people will be sharing their words with strangers.  

Your words have power. What you share with others has the potential to crack them open.  You never know what one thing will inspire you and you also never know what you do that inspires others.  So put your best foot forward.  Be strong, be brave, be kind.  The world could use all the kindness that people are willing to pour into it.