if I knew then what I know now

If I knew then what I know now
I would be a lot kinder to myself
Dropping the judgment and layering on the love
I would listen to my intuition
And leave behind the criticism of others
I would stand tall in who I am
Head held high, shoulders back, a smile on my face
I wouldn’t worry what others thought
But did what my heart desired
I would laugh out loud
Dance in the aisles of the grocery store
Chat with strangers
Share my stories
Go on more trips
Seek out new places
Give lots of hugs
Spend more time connecting rather than cleaning
If I knew then what I know now
I would worry less
Trust more
And show up sparkling in the world

If I knew then what I know now

This is the first writing prompt for this round of the Love Notes Postcard Project. How would you respond? Share in the comments below.

You aren’t meant to travel this journey through life alone. Meet me over in our free personalized community space. Because we all need a soft place to land. A place you can show up exactly as you are. A place where your stories and voice matter. Together we can do so much more!

Listen in to the Soul Circle Podcast for stories to ignite your inner fire! You can also listen on your favorite podcasting apps including
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I love hanging out on Instagram. Join me over there: @jbelthoff

the love notes postcard project is back

postcard project

When is the last time you received a handwritten note in your mailbox just for YOU? I invite you to join the Love Notes Postcard Project where you will connect with another individual by sending postcards to one another for three weeks. This simple and free project provides you the opportunity to open up, share your heart, and even make a new friend.

Texting, social media, and email are fabulous forms of instant communication. But nothing beats that anticipation of receiving something intentionally written just for you. Seeing someone’s handwriting and being able to hold a card in your hand brings you closer to that person and elicits a feeling of joy and delight. I hope you will join us.

We begin April 10th. Sign up today!

Tune in to the Soul Circle Podcast

Love Notes Postcard Project is Back!

Is your mailbox feeling lonely after the rush of holiday cards that swirled around? Are you now just receiving bills and mailers that end up in the trash? Well, it’s time to change that.


Join in on the next round of the Love Notes Postcard Project.

What is the Postcard Project you ask? Great question.

It is a three-week-long snail mail adventure where you send and receive postcards through the mail, yes the real mail! After you sign up you are matched up with someone else in the group and each week you respond to the weekly prompt I provide, then drop your postcard in the mail.

It is super simple to participate in brings back the joy of the handwritten word. All you need is

3 stamps + 3 postcards (notecards works to) + 1 wide-open heart!

So what do you say? Are you ready to get back into the excitement of snail mail and possibly make a new friend?

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Let’s be friends on Instagram @jbelthoff

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YOU make it happen

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When I started the Love Notes Postcard Project I had no idea if anyone would be interested in participating. Would strangers really be open to sending snail mail to another? Is it something they would actually want to do?

The project was living and breathing in my heart for awhile. I was craving connection with others. I wanted a way to reach out. I thought if this was something I desired there had to be others out there like me who were looking for this as well.

And so I took a leap. I put the call out there unsure of what the response would be. Luckily I was pleasantly surprised. Individuals were not only interested in sending snail mail, but they were excited about it. They put there hearts into and showed up with so much compassion and kindness. I was blown away!

In dreaming and scheming up this idea one thing I wanted to ensure was that it was easy and simple for anyone to participate. That is how I choose postcards as the format. There is already artwork on it and the writing space is small which makes it less intimidating. The project last for three weeks and individuals are paired up with one another. I provide a writing prompt each Sunday so there is no fear about what to say. Three weeks + three postcards = an opportunity to connect with a stranger through the written word.

I am currently hosting the Love Notes Postcard Project for the twenty-fifth time since it’s inception. The magic of the internet has helped spread the word and individuals from all over the world are participating. Not only do they open up their hearts to their partner but they cheer others on in the Facebook Group.

What started as a small idea flourished into a loving community.

I am so grateful for every individual who has shown up and participated. This project would not be possible without these individuals willing to take a chance and write out a postcard. The community that has formed is filled with the most loving and kind individuals it makes my heart smile wide.

My mailbox is also a lot happier. No longer is it just filled with bills and junk but rays of sunshine appear in the form of handwritten notes just for me. It makes going to the mailbox exciting again.

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What also always blows me away is how unique and amazing everyone is who participates. There are people from all walks of life shining there light in this world in such different and incredible ways. Below are some of the websites from some of the people participating this round. Check them out and see what beauty is being shared in this world.

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The current round I am hosting is the last one for 2018 but another one will open up in January. I hope that you will join us. One postcard may seem like such a small thing, but it truly carries with it an incredible impact. Words have power.

Is there something that has been living and breathing deep in your heart? Something you are craving but can’t find anywhere? If so, create it. Make it happen. I couldn’t find anything like Love Notes before I started it. But just because it didn’t exist that didn’t mean people didn’t want to do something like that. You have to put it out into the world. You have to take a risk. Chances are if you are craving it others are as well. I encourage you to make it happen!

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Previous Blog Post

connection with nature & community


If you ever come looking for me you will most likely find me outside.  Breathing in the fresh air, soaking in the sunshine, and connecting with nature.  This is what grounds me and brings me joy.    

Recently I had the opportunity to connect with two dear locals girls to chat about Love Notes as we explored a part of the Appalachian Trail together.  Kristen and Marybeth are the founders of 7th Heaven Hikes.  They believe that life is supposed to be a joyful experience for everyone.  They have a deep appreciation for nature and connecting with individuals.  They have just began their business venture together even though it has been long in the works before they even realized it.  They are a magical duo and refer to themselves as the Wonder Twins.  

Kristen and I met at Yoga Teacher Training.  Her spirt and spark lit up the room.  I admire her courage, the way she takes on challenges even when she is uncomfortable, and her deep spirited nature.  She is also a Jikeden Reiki Practitioner.  I have gone to her for Reiki treatments and always left feeling lighter and more energized.  

The work that Kristen and Marybeth are doing is so needed in today's world.  It is all about getting outside, connecting with nature, feeling the warm sunshine on your skin, breathing in the fresh air, and connecting with individuals. It is about stepping away from technology and stepping into this beautiful world that mother nature created.  As we hiked we saw many hearts which confirmed that it was a true Love Notes walk.  

You can connect with 7th Heaven Hikes through their website, Facebook page, and Instagram


What I love most about 7th Heaven Hikes is the in person connection with community.  This has been a focus for me.  I am most comfortable connecting with others through the written word.  Through writing I can cut right to the heart of the matter and do not have to worry about small talk.  As an introvert in person gatherings can take a toll on me.  I want to jump into the juicy stuff but struggle to know how to get there.  So I go where I am comfortable and listen rather than speak. 

But I am craving sitting across from you.  Looking into your eyes as we share our stories.  Reaching out and holding your hand.  Getting to know your mannerisms and being able to hear the sound of your voice.  Connecting in person allows us to go in deeper.  To really see one another.  

I have connected through the written word with so many amazing individuals in the Love Notes community.  It is filled with wide open hearts and I am always left in amazement for how giving, compassionate, and empathetic they are with one another.  I dream of gathering together.  Sitting around a giant campfire, telling stories, sharing our hearts, and simply just being together.  Oh the magic that would unfold if we were all in one place!  

Let's Get Together

Until I can iron out the details for a larger gathering I would love the opportunity to meet up with local Love Noters. 

I am based out of Mahwah NJ and will be doing something in the Bergen County area on the afternoon of August 5th.  If you are around I would to meet you.   

We can do so much more when we come together than we ever can alone.  And when we join together in person we are that much stronger.  I look forward to seeing you!  

Have any questions feel free to drop me a note: jennifer@jenniferbelthoff.com