Love Notes Virtual Dock

The next round of the Love Notes Postcard Project (#lovenotesjb) begins on Sunday.  If you missed it do not worry as I will be hosting it again in July and October.  I love this project for it's simplicity.    

3 postcards + 3 stamps = 3 weeks of happy mail!  

When I first began this project I had no idea that it would reach people from all over the world.  For this next round we reached a major milestone

We have at least one person from every state in the USA participating!

I am so excited about this.  It is incredible to know that so much love is being sent out.  But the love doesn’t stop within the US.  We also have people participating from:

  • Australia
  • Bahamas
  • Canada
  • Germany
  • Iceland
  • Ireland
  • Italy
  • Japan
  • Malta
  • Slovenia
  • United Kingdom 
  • United States 

It is incredible to me how a note arriving in the mail can change a person’s day for the better, bring happiness, and be the spark to a new friendship.  This is what Love Notes has done and each day I am amazed with its ability to bring people together.  Some say snail mail is a thing of the past but to that I say no way!  Love Notes ignites sparks of joy and kindness and spreads them throughout the world. 

The world could always use a little more love and kindness!

I love that individuals are reaching each other through snail mail but I wish there was a way for me to wave a magic wand and have everyone who is participating together in one place.  It would be so lovely to see be gathered around one very large table chatting about our lives, sharing our dreams, and gushing over our mutual passion for snail mail.  Since that is not physically possible I invite you to join me on our virtual dock where you can stop by people's digital front porches and say hello.  Get a peek into their world and see where they are writing from.  Go ahead, stop by and say hello.  

mail! real mail

To me mailboxes feel like magical portholes.  They open up opportunity to connect with individuals through handwritten words or surprise packages.  They are a mystery box of communication.  

I love how handwritten words are filled with intention.  When you take the time to write someone a note you are encouraged to slow down and really think about what you want to say.  When you drop it in the mailbox you are unsure of when it will arrive to them, but you know that when it does it will be an incredible surprise.  This is all part of the magic.  

Unfortunately I feel that less and less people are pulling out postage stamps, addressing letters, and dropping them in the mail.  This makes my heart sad and one of the reasons I started the Love Notes Postcard Project.  I wanted to bring back the magic and encourage more people to send snail mail.    

This FREE  project only requires:

  • Three postcards
  • Three stamps
  • And an open heart

Next round begins April 3rd

Here's how it works:

  • You will get paired up with another participant
  • Each Sunday for three weeks (beginning April 3rd) a writing prompt will arrive in your email box
  • Simply respond to the writing prompt on your postcard and drop it in the mail before Thursday
  • Keep a look out in your mailbox for a postcard from your partner

That's right, simple and fun!  Click HERE to sign up.  

This will be the 15th time I have hosted this project and people from all the Unites States and the world have participated.  I believe so strongly in connecting through handwritten words that my goal for this round is to get one person from each state in the US sending and receiving some love.  Wouldn't that be so fun!  

I need your help.  In order to get someone from each state  I need your help spreading the word.  Please share with your friends and let them know that their mailbox doesn't have to just be filled with coupons and bills ... they can also receive little rays of sunshine.  And if you know someone in Alaska and Hawaii {I feel these are going to be two really hard states} let them know about this project.  

Together let's spread the LOVE!

As individuals sign up I am going to color in the state they are from.  Hopefully I can fill up the entire map of the US.  This does not mean that international sign up's aren't welcome.  Of course this project is also international.  I just thought this would be a fun goal to try to reach.  

Along with sushine in your mailbox there is also an incredible group that has gathered over in the Love Notes Postcard Facebook Page   Pop on over and say hello.  Also check out some  of the postcards sent in previous rounds on Instagram #lovenotesj

friendship formed through letters :: Guest Post

beautiful postcard created by Carolyn

beautiful postcard created by Carolyn

Today I am sharing with you a Guest post from Joette.  She has been an amazing support of the Love Notes Post Card Project and through the project has made a friend.  Below are my questions to Joette and her responses.  

Where are you from?  
I live in a rural community, of about 10,000, in southern Minnesota.  I have lived here all of my life.

What is your most favorite thing about where you live?  
I have 2 top favorites--my mom, sister, and 2 nieces live in Waseca and I see them often.  Also, my favorite thing is the location where I live.  My husband built our house, our son helped, and my dad did the cement work so there are fond memories of our house from the start.  Our backyard looks out over the lake and we have birds and wildlife and a peaceful view.  I love sitting outside in the screened in porch drinking coffee.  It is a perfect place to journal or be creative.

What are the top three things that you enjoy most in life?  
My family, friends, and photography.

What peaked your interest in the Love Notes Post Card Project and made you say yes to give it a chance?
Two years ago, December, 2012, you were the guest post on Vivienne McMaster's website.  I have taken some of Vivienne's online classes on self-portraiture and she is amazing!  I love reading her posts and seeing her amazing photography.  Vivienne wrote that day that she loves your project and "what arrives in your mailbox these days--bills, junk, coupons.  When was the last time you were excited to get the mail?"  Well this was so true!  I wandered on over to your website and read more about the project and signed up!  I was a little nervous but excited to give it a try!

What is it about the project that keeps you coming back?  
Connections with people from all over.  Creating postcards and notecards for them.  Getting their creative postcards and words in my mailbox.  It fascinates me how each of us respond so differently to your prompts.  Sometimes we share more than just the prompts you give us.  Writing out my postcards and mailing them.

I am still in contact with some.  Each time is a new adventure!  Who knows, one day maybe I will have written to someone in all 50 states and other countries!

Let's say you were sitting with a friend telling her about it, what would you say?
I would share my stories about the people that I have met and their creative postcards I have received.  I would tell her that sometimes you make a connection with who you are paired with and you keep writing, whether it be occasionally postcards, or stay in touch on facebook, or continue writing.  I would share with them the enjoyment of sending out my postcards to them and making them postcards or my photo cards.

You have developed a connection through the project, how did this connection with Carolyn unfold?
When I do the post card project, I tell my partner about where I live and a little about myself and I share my interests, besides doing the prompts.  For some reason, I cannot do just the prompts! I enjoy doing them but I want to tell them more! You always tell us to write from the heart and that there is no right or wrong way.  Because of your words, it encourages me to write the way I know how to - beyond just the prompts.  

Carolyn commented when I had written in my last love notes writing that I like to, and enjoy, writing letters to friends and family.  She told me she likes to write letters too.  She reached out and asked in her writing "Would you like to continue?" Those simple words started a friendship - it made a connection between the two of us.  I am so thankful she asked!  I had thought about that possibility with Carolyn, and with others, but was never brave enough to ask because I was afraid the answer could be no.  Carolyn was brave enough to ask even though she wasn't sure of what I would say.
  So that is our story and how our friendship began.  It was serendipity!

What have you enjoyed most about writing to Carolyn and what have you learned?
I have learned and enjoy discovering the many things we have in common...we each have a son and a daughter and are both empty nesters; we both have been married a long time; we both love the movie "You've Got Mail"; we both love quilts -- she quilts and I collect them and want to learn to quilt one day; we both keep travel journals; we both have our creative space in our home; both of us are creative; we are both oldest siblings; she makes amazing handmade, unique cards, and she inspires me to create a card for her when I write her; our letters to each other are chatty.  

I enjoy how joyful it is to get and read her letters.  I enjoy how she inspires me to be more creative with card making.  I have learned that you can sense kindness from what a person writes and how you know this is someone you could be friends with long distance.  I enjoy getting her incredibly creative cards in my mailbox and her handwritten, long letters.  We enjoy sharing thoughts, ideas, creativity, projects, and our lives. Someday we will meet!

How do you feel when a note from Carolyn arrives in your mailbox?
Excited! It makes my week!  I cannot wait to read her long letter and see the card she created for me.  I go back later and re-read her letter to be sure I haven't missed anything.  And I cannot wait to sit down and answer her letter and share my life with her.  I re-read her letter again as I write her back.  It is another chance for me to share my photography with her or create a card for her. 

Anything else you would like to share with us?
I am so happy that I read Vivienne's blog that day back in December of 2012 and you were the guest post.  I am so loving your Love Notes Post Card Project and appreciate your hosting this for all of us that choose to participate.  Thank you for this gift! It is so wonderful receiving mail in your mailbox and the excitement of what will the card be like that they made for you, sharing creativity, and sharing words with each other.  I enjoy your posts on your website.  You are such a gifted writer.  You inspire me.

Another round is right around the corner, starting June 15th.  You won't want to miss it.  Click here to learn more and sign up!