use what you got


I am a consumer.  Buying things that catch my eye.  Wanting to try out whats new.  Purchasing, purchasing, purchasing.  Sometimes these things end up in the back of the cabinet collecting dust or tucked inside a drawer never seeing the light of day and never being used.  I have a home filled with things.  Do I appreciate all of them?  Certainly not.  I have a cabinet and freezer filled with food yet each week I go to the grocery store and buy more.  

What if I used what I had?  What if I let go of what truly doesn't serve me?  What if I stopped purchasing things that I already own?  

I have a pallet of eye shadows barley used yet I want to go out and get one that I saw a friend had.  I have cans of chickpeas and bags of frozen fruit, yet rather than use them I purchase more food.  I buy things I do not even need. 

It is amazing how quickly the things we own can begin to consume us.  Each item gives and takes energy from us.  When we open an overflowing cabinet and only feel overwhelmed our energy levels are instantly diminished. What if my home was only filled with the things I need and the things I love?  How would I feel?    

I am challenging myself to use only what I have.  There is no need to purchase more.  No need to have the latest fad or trend when I have a perfectly useful comparison tucked in the back of my closet.  I want to appreciate what I have and only be surrounded by things that nourish my soul. 

It is time to use what I have and toss/donate what I do not need.  It is time to pair down and live light.  I do not want my things to consume me.  I want to feel spacious not only in my heart but in my physical space as well.  

So here is what I am doing:

  • Looking at what is in my cabinet and using it for upcoming meals.  Yes, there will be some things that I need but I am going to challenge myself to try to make as many meals with the food I have on hand.  
  • Using the makeup, shampoo, soap, deodorant I have stockpiled in my bathroom before buying anymore.  
  • Reading through the books and magazines I have rather than going out and purchasing more.  
  • Using the art supplies I have on hand and coming up with creative projects to use them.  

It's time to get creative.  To let loose and have some fun with whats on hand. 

I invite you to join me in this adventure?  Let's encourage one another and hold each other accountable.  Comment below if you are in and I will drop you a note of encouragement in the mail {yes, actual snail mail}.