YOU create your life

You are the one creating this life
You are the one who decideds where you are going to go
You hold the key to your heart and you choose who will be able to hold it

We must be gentle with ourselves
We must be kind, caring, and loving
We must show up authentically, our guard down, our heart open
We must accept our faults and continue to try harder
There is no sense in harping on what was

You only get one shot at this thing called life
What mark do you want to leave
What memories do you want ohers to hold of you

How you treat yourself is how you treat others
When you show up to you filled with love and affection
You open your heart to do the same to those you meet
Be kind to one another
For we never know what is happening just beneath the surface
We are all writing our own stories and we do not know when they will end

Savor the moments
Love deeply
Live with compassion, for yourself and others
Hold tight onto gratitude
And rememeber you are the one writing your story
Be kind to yourself when you are alone
Write the words your heart most needs to hear
Be tender, be brave
Live with love and kindness pouring from your heart