when you are alone

Who are you when no one is watching?
In those quiet moments when you are alone
How do you treat yourself
How do you show up
Are you a whirlwind of despair
Clothes scattered on the floor
Dishes left undone
A brain filled with ideas
But no courage to give them a chance
Do you shower yourself with love
Are you kind and tender
Do you understand that you have faults
But know that we all do, and that is ok
Do you hold gratitude in your heart for all you have
This room
These shoes
This moment
Do you pause to let it all sink in
Do you take a minute to savor the sunshine
And recongize the way it makes you feel
How are you when you are alone
When no one else is watching
Are you kind to yourself or do you struggle to find your footing
When no one is watching
Be kind
Be brave
Be you
Do not let your inner voices tell you that you can't do something
Take the risk
Be gentle
And true to yourself
Know that you deserve love, happiness, and compassion
Show this to yourself when you are alone
Be your very best friend
And savor the moments you have alone