happy notes

Gratitude is a very important part of my self care practice.  I have tried to keep a gratitude journal but was never very good at showing up to it each day.  When I would remember to write in it I would see how long ago I was there and feel discouraged for not sticking with it.  Then the incredible idea for a happiness jar passed through my feed from the wonderful Elizabeth Gilbert.  It was simple -- one jar and tiny slips of paper.  Each day you write one thing that made you happy and drop it into the jar.  Easy peasy!  

This was the perfect solution for me because if I missed a day I never noticed and therefore my inner critique never got the chance to jump in and speak negative words.  I definitely missed many days but my jar still filled up with so many wonderful memories.  Simple moments that make this life extraordinary.  Like:

  • Sharing sushi with Dustin
  • A fun evening at the car show, lots of laughs, plenty of shine, and good people all around
  • The sweet smell of wild orange as she rubbed it on my forehead and shoulders while in shavasana

Simple everyday moments that make this life extraordinary.  What a love about the happiness jar is how ordinary the moments are, yet they fill my heart with so much love!  

Happiness Jar

I have taken the time to read through each one of my happy moments from 2015.  It was fun to go back and read about moments that I forgot about.  I was also able to see how much happiness there was even during such a tragic time.  Each happy moment is filled with love, connection, and so much goodness.  

The jar is now empty and ready for a brand new year of happy.  I am excited to continue this tradition.  I usually write out my note before I slip into bed.  It is the perfect way to end the day.  

If you are interested in doing this I encourage you to go for it.  Any jar and slips of paper will do.  One thing I do recommend is including the date on each note.  This way when you look back you know exactly the day it happened.  You can begin a happiness jar any time of the year, it doesn't have to happen on January 1st.  And if you miss a day or a bunch of days, no big deal ... just pick up wherever you are.  Fill that jar with loads of happiness.