happiness jar

We have rolled over into a new month and that means the opportunity to dig my hand into the happiness jar and pull out a slip of paper.  I am loving how this has turned into a monthly ritual.  I never know what I will pull out but I do know that it will be something that has made me happy.  What could be better than that?  

My happiness jar sits on my kitchen table and is a visual reminder to me that life is good, really good.  Even if I am having a "terrible horrible no good very bad day" I look at the jar filled with colorful papers and I instantly smile.  It reminds me of the moments I have created; the ordinary pieces that fill me up; and the unexpected that has brought surprise and delight.  All of that is capture in my happiness jar.  

Sitting down each night to write my one happy moment has given me the opportunity to really feel the moment and celebrate it.  Now keep in mind these moments aren't all grand and pretty.  Sometimes my happy moment is as simple as --- walking in the door after a long day at work!  Taking the time to write that down reminds me of how grateful I am for my home and how safe I feel here.  

Time flies by all to quickly.  If we don't stop to take it in and appreciate it we let it slip away even faster.  {click to tweet that!}  Taking the time to dig my hand into the jar gives me even another opportunity to appreciate all the moments in my life.  So I shake the jar up and dig my hand in.  

This month I pulled out: Going for a run at lunch time.  It felt so good to move my body {3.35.15}

It has been awhile since I have been away from my desk at lunch and getting outside to move by body was just what I needed.  Sometimes we have to push ourselves to what is best for us, but once we do it we are beyond thrilled.  The happiness jar is one of those things for me.  It takes dedication to show up to it, but I am so happy that I do.  The best part is that it does not take to much time.  I have the slips of paper pre-cut {which is huge for this unprepared chica} so all I need to do each night is grab a slip, jot down a moment, and drop it into the jar.  

Have you created a happiness jar?  Do have any rituals that you do with it?  

It is not to late to start one.  In fact you can begin at any time.  There are no rules!  Go ahead, find a jar and drop in your first happy moment today.