a love letter to summer

Dear Summer,

Oh how you have brought about a flurry of activity.  I am grateful for the days spent swimming, laughing, and riding my bike.  Your gentle sun kissed my skin and filled me with a little bit of healing.  You encouraged me to throw my schedule out the window and embrace the longer days and added time spent with Dustin.  

You took me on adventures.  Roaming the streets of Seattle.  Step after step we discovered new land.  You opened my eyes up to a new city and invited me to come and play in it.  You also provided me with a deep moment to slow down, soak in the warm sunshine, and enjoy paradise.  You were so very kind to me on our travels with open seats next to us, luggage that arrived right when we expected, and flights that went off with out a hitch.  For this I am grateful.  

You reinforced in my heart the importance of family and spending time with one another.  There was laughter, so much laughter and even a couple of quiet ragers.  In the mist of chaos we came together and enjoyed every moment.  We leaned on one another, showed support, and came out just a little bit stronger.  

You are my most favorite time of year and I am sad to see you go.  You have filled my heart with happiness and my belly with mint chocolate chip ice cream.  You reminded me to play, let go, and not worry so much.  You invited me to dig my toes into the sand and feel the salt water wash over my skin.  

Although I am sad to see you go I am ready to embrace September for it is this month that feels like a fresh start to me.  After all the play and goodness my heart feels more open.  My dreams more expansive.  My determination to leap stronger than ever.  And I have you to thank for that.  For you encouraged me to get out there and let go in the first place.  To jump on my bike and see where it would take me.  To travel unknown roads and find a new way home.  

Thank you for your kindness.  For shining your light on me and giving me space to play and dream.  I am grateful for you dear summer, for you have opened me up once again.  

I look forward to 2016 when we will meet again.  Until then I will hold you closely in my heart and cherish the time we got to spend together.  


{If you were writing a letter to summer what would you say?  What are you grateful for?  What did you do, where did you go?  I encourage you to give it a try and see where your letter takes you}