visioning into 2016


Creating a vision board is one of my many self care practices.  It is this cutting and pasting that I slow down and become more centered.  Day to day life tends to have me running at a quick pace but when I sit down in front a stack of magazines my energy shifts and I am ready to explore.  

When I sat down to create this vision board I had the intention and focus of 2016 and how I want it to look and feel for me.  What came together on the paper surprised me.  There was more than one image of a beach and  women gathered together.  A long table inviting others to sit, break bread, and share their stories.  Beautiful exploration.  And an invitation to change your story and enjoy the ride.  

Everything about this vision board feels comforting and aligned.  I know that I want to dig deeper into connection; not just through the computer but in person as well.  It is time to step away from the screen and see each others faces.   The beach is my sacred space.  It heals me and fills me up.  And finding the magic and sparkle in my own backyard is something I am really looking forward to as we continue to take steps towards building.  

This vision board is a road map for me.  Inspiring me to take those steps forward, step out of my comfort zone, and leap!  I have chosen to hang it in my kitchen so that I can look at it every single say.  I want to be reminded of the dreams I have in my heart so that I can take the small steps in making them come true.  

Have you ever created a vision board?   They are really simple to do.  Grab a stack of magazines, any ones will do.  Set an intention for what you want to vision.  Then flip through the magazines and cut out the images and words that are aligned with that intention.  Do not labor over each image, let your heart do the deciding.  Some things may surprise you but go with it.  Once you have all of your images cut out, past them down onto a pieces of paper and hang it up where you can see it each day.  This visual reminder will help you set your wheels in motion.  Go ahead .... see what dreams emerge for you!  

creating community

vision boarding

For awhile my heart has been craving a deeper connection to a creative community.  My 9 - 5 side job doesn't fuel me with this type of inspiration and as each day passes the calling has been getting stronger and stronger.  I knew that I could no longer silence the inner dialogue that has been screaming; "invite people in"

I have been hesitant to welcome people into my home because it is not very large and there is no great spot for people to gather and create.  I have been saying to myself that I will wait until we finish the house.  Yet the construction hasn't even begun and if I keep waiting I may just burst.  

So I took the leap and set up a creative gathering.  I invited people to come to my home for a night of vision boarding.  Sometimes when we take a leap and invite others in we are unsure if they will be receptive to what we are offering.   It can feel scary to put yourself out there.  However, the only way we know if something will work is if we give it a try.   You must push past your fear and leap.  Along the way you will learn how to fly.  

making soup

I had no idea if the people I invited would be open to vision boarding, all I knew was that I craved a creative community and in order to get that I had to follow my heart and invite people in.  The individuals I invited said yes even though some of them had no idea what vision boarding was.  They knew my passion for life and were drawn in by that.  

I prepared with love a vegetable soup and grilled cheese sandwiches to nourish the creativity.  It was the perfect meal for the cold and snowy weather that was taking place outside.  We gathered around my coffee table and chatted as the sound of ripped pages filled the room.  We laughed, we joked, we shared stories.  We got to know one another just a little bit better.  

My heart filled with love and joy as I watched individuals who have never created a vision board before be so open and into the process.  They ripped away and shared magazines.  Hearts began to open as treasured images and words were found.  Admits piles of papers was someones dream being recognized and coming to life.  

Slowly their visions appeared even if they weren't sure they had one when they began.  With intention each image or word was glued to the page and it became clear what their heart was yearning for.  When we quite our minds and grant ourselves permission to dream we are able to see what it is we are seeking.  

We even broke out the washi tape and colored pencils to bring it all together.  It was beautiful to see what images and words each person was drawn to.  After we had finished we took some time to go around and share our boards.  I loved hearing everyone dreams and what each image represented for them.  It always blows me away how much our hearts open when we are in a safe environment to share what it is we truly want.  There was no judgment, just love.  

I am so grateful for the women who showed up with such open hearts.  They filled my tiny home with laughter and love.  It was a blessing for me to have them gathered around my coffee table.  Through their open hearts and love they encouraged me to keep reaching for my dreams.  

Having a creative community is important for me.  I thrive in a creative environment and need that deep connection to keep me moving forward.  I can already see this community deepening as we continue to gather and I am definitely going to be putting another one on the calendar for April. 

What dream is living in your heart?  What have you been longing to do?  What one step can you take to make it happen?  Go ahead and take the leap, you never know where it will lead you.  

taking action


I love to dream and scheme.  To list out ideas, write down my biggest hopes, collage how I want to feel.  Yes, these pieces are a deep part of my self care practice.  They ignite the spark within me.  

I enjoy sitting down and wildly letting go.  It is in these moments that I identify what I am craving and unearth my deepest desires.  There is color and light.  Excitement and hope.  It is fantastically fun and freeing.   

soul collage

This is the beginning phase and it is easy because there are no rules or expectations.   I can safely reach for the stars.  I can put down what is deep in my heart with out fear, embarrassment or risk because all I am doing it getting it out.  In this phase there is no thought about action or how to.  It is all dreaming and acknowledging what it is you truly want.  

The hard part comes in when you choose to say yes.  When you hold yourself accountable every single day to taking the steps towards making it happen.  This is when fear creeps in.  Fear that you don't deserve it.  Fear that you aren't good enough.  Fear that you can't make it happen.  

You stand on the edge embodied with uncomfortable feelings.  You want to give up, throw in the towel.  You don't like standing deep in this uncomfortableness.  Taking risk's is hard.  It comes with loss, fear, and the unknown.  You don't like not knowing where you are going to end up.  


But the only way to make something happen is to go after it.  To dream about it but to also take actionable steps towards it.  To choose the frightening yes over staying closed in.  It is not easy.  Oh my goodness it is not easy.  In fact it is terrifying and uncomfortable.  It doesn't feel good when you are deep in that middle ground working through the muck, risking your heart, and taking the chance.  

There will be times, many times when it will not go the way you wanted.  You will be disappointed, hearts will be broken, and many tears will be shed.  But through the hurt you will also be a little bit stronger, grown a little bit taller, and learned just a little bit more about yourself.  New tools will be added to your toolkit and the next time you risk you will be armed with different options, prepared to take on the uphill battle.  

We must risk.  We must take action.  When we stay small, cocooned in our own nest we never grown our wings and we never learn to fly.  And as Deb Talan says in her song Big Strong Girl:

"anything worth anything takes more than a few days and a long long night.