Book Fairy ~ Update

After I spread my

book fairy wings

And left "

Ordinary Sparkling Moments

" in the park

I wondered about who it was that scooped up this treasure

Did they appreciate it?

Did they share it with anyone?

Were they excited to find it, or was it just another thing to them?

These questions always filled my mind

I was never sure my questions would be answered

I figured it would just be a mystery

One I would never solve

But I was wrong

I would find out all about the stunning soul who scoped it up

And even though I never met her

She would touch my heart in an incredible way

My book fairy wings spread wide open



treasure landed right in Yvonne's hands

You can read all about it


But let me warn you

You may want to grab a tissue first

It is incredible what magic can unfold

Even between complete strangers

The world works in such a beautiful way

Ordinary Sparkling Moments

My Ordinary Sparkling Moment

I was given the honor of being a
Book Fairy
To set this
beautiful book out into the world
For an unsuspecting person to find

It brought me so much joy to leave it
And made me think deeply about receiving
If I were walking down the path and spotted it
I may have passed it by, like I saw some people do
It is not always easy to receive

But there are times when we need to let others in
Let them help us
Guide us
Hold our hand while we travel down our path

And so I let the book fly
In Ridgewood NJ
At a park I go to often
Knowing in my heart that whoever found it
Was ready to receive and let in such a beautiful gift

Thank you
Swirly, for giving me my book fairy wings
It was such a pleasure

**for those of you who have visited before, this is version two because I accidentally deleted my first post. lost now in cyber space forever**