your story

Lately I have struggled to put words onto the page

Maybe I was avoiding showing up

Maybe I was to busy

Maybe I wasn't ready to face something

There are many maybes that can be put down

But one thing I know for sure

Is that I stopped telling my story

I kept putting one foot in front of the other

Moving, but never really advancing

Blindly jumping from one thing to the next

Keeping my story inside

Under lock and key

I felt more lost than ever

All jumbled up and tangled in these vines of containment

The freedom that comes with putting myself out there

Was buried deep inside me

The clarity that comes from connection when you tell your story

Was non existent

I felt as if I had been dropped onto the floor

Shattered into many different pieces

And totally unsure of how to put myself back together again

My story

The pieces that make up me

Not my job, where I live, what I drive

But my truth

Needs to be shared

It is important for each of us to show up

Tell our stories

Really allow others in

And embrace the moment

Each of our stories

Is vital to the ebb and flow of this world

And it needs to be told

How are you telling your story?