word of the year

Your mind shines brightest when you enlighten others; your heart, when you encourage others; your soul, when you elevate others; and your life, when you empower others.
— Matshona Dhliwayo

Since 2009 I have had the tradition of choosing one word to tuck into my pocket for the entire year.  A word that is calling to me.  One I want to manifest and dive into.  I never know how it is going to unfold but it usually brings me exactly what I need, even if it is not what I expected.  

As I was journaling my way through the end of the year my word emerged.  I know that NOW is the time for me to step into the work I am meant to do in the world.  I have deep creative dreams brewing and this is the year to make them happen.  

My word for 2018 is:


   * to move or raise to a higher place or position; lift up
   * to raise to a higher state, rank, or office; exalt; promote
   * to raise to a higher intellectual or spiritual level
   * to raise the spirits; put in high spirits
   * to raise (the voice) in pitch or volume

I want to elevate those around me.  Be a guide in my community and help others unearth the brilliant light inside them. I want to choose joy and be aware of the energy I carry with me.  Raising my own spirit and carrying kindness into every interaction.  I want to radiate my own light and not be fearful of how bright it can shine.  I also want to raise my voice and allow myself space to be heard.  

In 2011 I made a piece of art with my word and it still hangs on my wall today.  It was powerful to do it and was the year that my word manifested itself in the most brilliant and unexpected manner.  It was as if taking the time to create something I could see every day helped proclaim to the universe how serious I was about this word.  This week I am going to be working on a piece of art for elevate.  Something that will inspire me each day to live with this word in my heart.  

Do you choose a word or intention for the year?  Would love to hear what it is.  

My previous words have been:

2017 - Expand
2016 - Daring Greatly & Gather
2015 - Connection
2014 – Build
2013 – All the Cards on the Table
2012 – Soar
2011 – Love
2010 – Connect
2009 - Wings