crossing over the bridge

crossign the bridge

Waiting on the other side of the bridge is the life you have been cultivating.  The one where you show up exactly as you are, standing tall in your light.  Yes, it is right there. 

All you need to be is be brave enough to cross the bridge and claim it.

The choice is yours.  You can stay exactly where you are.  Feet firmly planted on the ground.  You know the ropes on this side.  Even with your eyes closed you can find your way through.  You have a comfort and ease here.

Or you can venture into the unknown.  Into the place that your heartstrings are pulling you.  You know the life you are meant to be living is on the other side of that bridge.  You know you can totally rock it.  You know the time is now.  Each step you have taken has brought here.  Why stop now?  

You have been working towards this and you have finally arrived.  There is a community cheering you on and supporting your crossing.  You know that this will not be your last crossroad but you know you will not get to any others unless you keep moving forward.   

The bridge may look unsteady, but it will hold you.  Trust, believe, and know that is the time to cross over.  Now is the time to claim your one wild and precious life.  Now is the time for you to show yourself that you can do this.  

Go ahead, cross over that bridge and continue building a bold and beautiful life.