the importance of community


I have learned that we aren't meant to travel this journey by ourselves.  When we come together we can do so much more than we ever can on our own.  

There is magic in community.  
There is magic in gathering.  
There is magic in opening up your heart and sharing it.  

I am an introvert.  When I step into a group I struggle.  I seek out the back of the room so I can quietly observe.  I soak it all in from a distance but always leave wishing I had gotten a little bit closer.  I long to dive in deep but struggle to do so.  

I have learned that I must step forward.  I do not need to wait for an invitation to find my way into the circle. I just need to drop my insecurities and step in.  It is not an easy thing to do, but it is so rewarding when I do it.  

It is connection that pushes me to dive a little bit deeper.  
It is connection that expands my horizon.  
It is connection that helps me grow.

But connection only happens when I let down my guard and step into the circle.  I have to be willing to not only listen, but to also share my own stories of heartbreak and triumph.  I have to not only reach out, but also reach in.  I have to be able to not only catch others stories but also be vulnerable enough to share my own.

gathering around a table

I learned how deeply I longed for connection when I attended my first art retreat.  Quite and shy I found a way to blend into the background, yet I left there broken open.  I knew that I could no longer live closed off.  I had to reach out and invite others in.  I had to show up to the table.  

I have found my most meaningful connections unearth when I am surrounded by people who have similar interest as I do.  It is in these spaces that it is easier to dive in deep and share my heart.  I feel a sense of trust and connection because we have that common bond between us.  

The vastness of the internet makes it easy for us to stay in touch, but there is still something beautiful and magical about gathering together in person.  Looking into each others eyes, reaching out and holding hands, being together in the same room.  This is a precious gift.

Being an introvert I can allow long amounts of time to pass by without reaching out to gather.  It feels like work sometimes to make the effort.  But once I am with my people it all feels right and I never regret stepping into the circle.  

This year I am committing to spending more time with others.  To stepping out of my comfort zone and inviting my kindred's in.  I want to break down the wall I have built up and connect deeply.  I know the only way this will manifest is if I show up and share pieces of my heart with others.  

So I invite you to gather with me.  To show up as you are and share a piece of your heart.  I promise to be sharing a piece of mine as well.  Let's spend an afternoon of creative connection together.  If this sounds even a little bit intriguing to you click below to sign up to receive the invitation.  I hope that you will join me.  It would be wonderful to meet face to face.