seek out space


Seek out the space where you can expand and grow.  Do not let others tell you cannot do it, or it is not meant for you. Your hopes and dreams are deep inside your heart. 

Breathe life into them.
Tend to them.
Allow them space to grow and thrive.

You deserve the utmost happiness. You deserve to be smiling and living the life you desire.  But the only way for that to happen is for you to grab hold of the reigns and write your own story.  You are the keeper of the pen.  You choose what you want to do and where you are going to go.  You can choose to say yes and you can choose to say no.  

Follow your heart, always!

Yes there will be people nagging you to make different choices, but do not let there idea of who you should be change who you are.  Only you know what lights you up.  Only you know how you want to shine in this world.  Go for it!  Along the way you will find individuals who support you and love you for exactly who you are.  

So do not let others tear you down.  But find those who build you up.  And seek out space to grow, dream, become.  Today is the first moment of the rest of your life.  How are you going to spend it?