know your worth


You are the one carving out the road before you.  You decide where you are going to go, who you are going to take along on the journey, and when you are going to stop to admire the view.  Yes, you are the one holding the map and choosing the final destination.  

As I stand on this unknown ground I been savoring the moments I would not have had the opportunity to enjoy had I been working.  This has been an epic summer.  Exploring different places, spending time with family, and finding new roads to go down on my bike.  So many memories created and tucked inside my heart. 

But then there is this little voice inside my head reminding me that I have yet to get a job.  It makes me doubt my worth, doubt my skills, doubt my ability.  I wonder why it is that I haven't heard back from places.  Why I didn't get a chance at the ones I really wanted.  And what is it that my future holds.  The negative self talk has been fierce.  

I need to shut down the negativity in my head and remind myself of my worth.  No one really knows what they are doing.  We all tend to make it up as we go along.  What matters most is the willingness to put yourself out there and take a chance.  I am proud of myself for the chances I have taken but also know that there is so much more that I want to go after. 

I need to stand tall with my head held high and my shoulders back.  To speak with confidence.  To believe in my gut that I can do whatever it is I put my mind to.  

I am

+ a creative thinker
+ a problem solver
+ patient
+ a good listener
+ grounded and mindful
+ kind and compassionate
+ able to express my heart through words
+ thoughtful
+ a hard worker
+ determined
+ brave
+ able to admit my mistakes
+ not afraid to try new things
+ passionate about my work
+ wanting to help people unearth their light
+ me, and there is no one else like me


Taking a moment to sit down and write who I am reminded me of all I have to offer.  I am an asset.  I am ready to learn, grow, and develop into my next iteration.  We all have iterations of ourselves and throughout our lives they reveal themselves. 

There was a time in my life when I was the shy quiet kid just trying to blend into the background. Over time I grew more into myself as I learned who I truly was.  I am still learning and know that it will be an ongoing lesson.  

I love unearthing where I want to go as I listen close to my hearts deepest desires.  I want my front porch to continue to be my office.  I want to help people step into their own light.  I want to create and cultivate community.  I know that I can do this.  I just need to keep taking risk's and stepping forward.  I also need to ditch the negative self talk and speak those kind words that I know to be true.  


And so I am taking my I Am statements and writing each one down on a slip of paper.  Each morning as I sit in front of my alter and write that days intention I will read these words out loud.  Reading them out loud will help imprint them on my heart. 

Sometimes we needed to be reminded of how amazing we really are.  Be compassionate with yourself and give yourself that reminder.  

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Who are you?  I invite you to write down your own I AM statements.  Be bold, be kind, be brave with your writing and really share who you are in all of your radiant glory.  

Share a few of your I AM statements in the comments so that I can celebrate who you are, exactly as you are!

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