embrace the journey


There are moments in life when the path feels unclear. You don’t know if you should slow down, speed up, or just stop all together. You try to listen deeply to what your heart is saying but there is so much uncertainty you can’t seem to hone in on what you truly want.

You feel twisted and unsettled. You have no idea where to go. You want this uneasy feeling to be over with already. You wish you could click your heels and be standing on the other side. Looking at if from a different vantage point. The view of having made it through.

But here you are in these uncharted waters. Deep in the uncomfortable growth is happening. You are learning to steer your own ship. You are figuring out slowly what the next right move is and you are taking it. You aren’t rising in leaps and bounds but you know that all you need is be right here.

You know you will find your way somehow. You always have. Even when you were at your darkest points you rose above from the ashes. You learned to stand on your own two feet and walk again. If you did it then you can make it through this.

Life has a way of throwing curves balls all the time. It is not in avoiding them that you become who you are but in facing them head on and learning how to swing. Do not be discouraged when you strike out. You will get another chance at the plate.

Remember your strengths. Don’t shy away from who you are. Don’t try to push down this uncomfortable feeling. Be fully in it.

You don’t know where you are going to end up. Embrace the journey. Live in the moment. Cry when you are sad. Laugh when you are happy. Invite others in. Share your story and know that you are never alone.