you choose

There are gonna be times when you feel like you cannot stand on your own.  When you want to crumble because you think it is all crashing around you.  But then you remember that this is just a moment in time, many others you have had before.  You made it through those times and you know you will make it through this.  

Life isn't always easy, but it is always worth it.  Because when you give your heart you know you are risking the potential that it will break.  And you are ok with that because the risk is worth what might be.  You never know what can happen until you take the leap.  You know you must always take the leap. 

And look how many times you leapt.  Of course there are times when it didn't work out, but when it did it was good, so very good.  You know you have to live bravely.  You know you have to try.  You know you are not meant to live small.  You know even when you are scared you must stand in the face of that fear and push yourself forward.  You have an incredible amount of courage.  You love with your heart wide open and you invite others in.  This is divine.  

You have this ability to find the beauty, even in the darkest moments.  You do not let others bring you down.  You choose to let your light shine brightly.  You know that the world can be a scary place and what matters most is kindness and love.  You show up.  Even when you aren't sure what to do you are present.  You feel the moment.  You understand the energy.  You allow space to breathe and simply just be.  

Never underestimate the power that comes with you being YOU.  Stand tall in who you are.  Don't let anyone ever tell you that you aren't good enough.  Reach our head up towards the light.  Hold on to the positive outlook that beams from your heart.  Always seek out the beauty and never give up.  This is your one wild and precious life.  Live it the way you want it to be.