you can make it happen

"The only person you are destine to become is the person you decide to be" ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Emerson has said it best.  You will only become the person that you decide to be.   People can not make you who you are not.  You are the one doing the choosing.  You choose to stay.  You choose to go.  You show up with a smile or a frown.  

What you work towards is what you create
What is that you want to create?
Who is it that you want to be?

More often times than not we choose the blame game.  Blaming time, money, resources ... and not having enough of any of them.  But the truth is YOU are the one deciding how you spend your time, how you spend your money.  

YOU can make anything happen if you focus in on it and are willing to let go of others things to get it.  This life is not a perfect magical fairy land.  You will have to make sacrifices.  You will have to make hard decisions.   You will have to let somethings go in order to make room for others.  

But YOU are the one who is the decision maker.  What choices will you make?