This Is It

This is it
The moment you have been waiting for
You have worked so hard to get here
Spent a countless number of hours on this one thing
Early morning wake up's
Pushing through past your edge
Tears of joy
Tear of sadness
Brief moments of connection with strangers
New friends made
New roads traveled
All of it has lead you to here
To this moment
None of it would be possible had you not chosen to say yes
Stayed dedicated
Kept showing up
Putting one foot in front of the other
But here you are now
On the verge of an epic journey
Remember to enjoy the ride
Lean deeply in knowing you are prepared
Feel the strength of your mind and body
Allow your soul to guide you
And the cheers from the crowd to carry you
This is it
This is what you have been waiting for
Embrace the unknown and roll with what comes
Take it in, all of it
This is your moment
Live it