say yes!

Say yes!
To that little voice inside of you that is whispering
Say yes!
To what you are terrified of doing
Say yes!
To call in your heart
Go ahead
Go for it
What is the worst that could happen?
You could fail, sure
You could embarrass yourself, of course
In fact it may not even work out the way you thought it would
But guess what?
It may end up being better than you imagined
You may learn a few things
You may stretch and grow
Here's the thing
You never know until you try
And a whole new world may open up to you along the way
You have to be willing to fail to succeed
So what is it?
What is that little voice inside of your head that is whispering?
What is it you really, really, want to do?
What is it you have been putting off?
Go ahead and take the risk!
Open your heart
And say YES!