my wish

My wish is to gather with you in community
To sit by side
Unfurling open into the great unknown
I want to empower you to live your best life
And help you find the path you want to navigate
We aren't meant to do it alone
We must lean on one another
Reach out our hands
And be willing to share our hearts

My wish is that I could help guide you
Be a beacon of light in your time of darkness
I want to create a space that you feel safe showing up into
And encourage you to lean deeply in
This thing called life is a journey
There is no wrong or right way to do it
We each must navigate our own path
But when we are together it doesn't feel so hard
Let's do this together

My wish is that you are willing to trust
That you show up as you, exactly as you are
That you don't hide your scars
That you know you are deeply loved
I want to invite you in
I want to stand beside you
I want us to be together
Because you need to make your own happy
And together we can do impossible things