I am ready

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For the past six months I have chosen to show up.  Lacing up my sneakers and pushing myself out the door.  One foot in front of the other.  Exploring different roads, finding new ways home, pushing myself further and further.  With each step I gained strength in my body and my mind.  
When I trained for my first marathon in 2014 each mile I ran was a new goal accomplished.  At the time the most I had ever run was 3 miles, and here I was looking to go 26.2.  As I slowly increased my distance I was hitting numbers I never thought possible, 6, 10, 15, and even 20 miles.  I felt an incredible sense of accomplishment after each run.  

This time around I began knowing that I do have it in me to make it 26.2.  I have done it before and if I stay dedicated and show up than I increase my chances of being able to make it happen.  I settled into a wonderful routine of waking up before the sun rose and getting my miles in before heading out to work.  This was not the way I trained in 2014 but this slight shift felt monumental.  I enjoyed the quietness that engulfed me on my morning runs. 

I am six days away from stepping up to the starting line and my heart is filled with gratitude.  It has been an epic journey!  In 2014 the mantra that rang through my head prior to race day was:

I am ready
I will run strong
I am ready
I will run happy
I am ready

These words play on repeat in my mind today.  I hope that I feel the incredible elation and joy that I felt when I ran that first time in 2014.  I know that is a big ask considering there is only one first time but I am holding that thought close.  I want to run happy.  I want to run strong.  I want to finish smiling.  I have shown up.  I have prepared.  I am ready.  

I am running in memory of my mom, for family and friends who have kicked cancers a** and for those are are deep in the fight.  I am running on Fred's Team to support Cancer Research at Memorial Sloan Kettering Hospital and I couldn't be prouder of the work they do.  There is still time to support this great cause.  Jump on over to my fundraising page to hear a piece of my story and share your support. Every dollar counts!