circle with me

What if we gathered
What if you and I were sitting in a circle with others
Talking about our hearts deepest longings and desires
What if we didn't hold back
What if the walls of our hearts came down
And we let it all spill out

Would you feel comfortable enough to open up
Would you trust the circle with your heart
Would you say yes to being together
Are you willing to hold the hearts of others
Do you have it in you to listen deeply
And the ability to hold space for others
This is what circling is all about

I dream of a circle
A soul circle of sorts
Where we gather together
Spill open
Let our hearts unwind and unearth what is below the surface
A circle of trust, love and understanding
A circle of hope
One that truly listens deeply

Will you join me in this circle
Will you gather with me
Hold a strangers hands, offer up a hug
Are you open to sharing your story
Will you spill your heart wide open
Do you believe in trust, friendship, and kinship
Together we can make more magic happen than we can alone
It begins in circle, deep in the soul circle