choosing how to begin

Morning has become my most favorite time of day.  I wake before the sun has a chance to rise.  The glow of the moon and stars guiding me on my run.  Putting one foot in front of the other my intentions for the day become clear.  I soak in the quietness of the streets and savor this precious moment in time.  

When I arrive home the glow of twinkle lights greats me, calming my quick beating heart.  I take this quietness with me into the bathroom as I light a candle and shower by it's dim glow.  The soft light feels gentle on my soul.  Reminding me to ease in, take it slow, appreciate the moment.  Showering by candlelight has become a new favorite ritual.

I choose how I spend these tiny moments before the world awakens.  Before I have to step out the door and enter into the mandatory's that need to be fulfilled.  Movement, meditation, soft candles glowing, this is what I gravitate towards.  I have carved out time so there is no need to rush into the day, I take it slow.  

My mornings used to be hectic.  Rushing out the door before I even had a chance to breath.  Training for the NYC Marathon has helped me shift this time by pushing me out the door to get a run.  I never thought I would be a morning exercise person but my body loves it.  My soul craves it.  When I do not do it a piece of me feels off.

We all have the power to choose how we spend our time.  When we are conscious of this we become more intentional with what we choose to do.  You can spend hours going down a rabbit hole with social media or you can choose to read a book, pull out your journal, move your body.  The choice is yours, and yours alone.

How do you choose to begin?