the world is waiting for you

Right outside your window is a world filled with possibility
It invites you to come out and play
To explore and discover
It wants you to navigate your own path
Unearth what lights you up
It is waiting for you to say yes
It is ready for you to show up
It wants you to claim what you truly desire
But it won't hand it all over to you
You must step forward
Take the risk
Put in the hard work
You must push yourself forward
Use your voice
Speak with strength and courage
And find your own way
Deep inside your heart knows what it desires
Listen closely and hear what it has to say
Be willing to risk
Be willing to look foolish
Be willing to fail
Face the fear of the unknown
And go for it
You never know where you will end up
But you always have to try to get to where you want to go
The world is waiting for you
You have precious gifts that only you offer
Go ahead and share them