she said

She said you make the world a more beautiful place to be

She said it is your good energy that generated all of the goodness

She said thank you for providing all of these opportunities to connect with wonderful people around the globe, and for being authentic and vulnerable enough to help all of us work through this wonderful thing called life.  You inspire.  You make a difference.

She said the way you express yourself is truly an inspiration to others

She said you are a part of my fondest memories ever

She said you have put into words what we all feel

She said you are amazing and inspiring

She said everything you write is so full of heart

She said you capture the best moments

She said you speak from the heart

She said you are a gift

She said you are writing is amazing

She said you are beautiful

She said one of the things I admire so much about you is how you are aware of such beautiful feelings and then how you can verbalize them and make us feel it to

She said I heart you

She said I miss you

She said I am so happy you were here

She said I love the way you use your words, you pull at heart strings

It was what she said that opened up my eyes to the journey I am currently traveling.  I keep dreaming that my writing will make a difference, that I will gather and tend to the souls of others, that what I do in this world matters.  

Hearing what she said made me realize that I am currently walking the walk.  While deep in the thick of it I did not realize that I am already living my truth.  I am cultivating my dreams.  I am tending to hearts.  I am writing from a place of honest vulnerability.  I am touching peoples lives the way I have always dreamed of.  I am inspiring others.  

Sometimes we need our dear friends to hold a mirror up in front of us so that we can see all that we are.  It is through their reflection of us that opens up our eyes to our own innate beauty.  They see us through unfiltered lenses.  They are the recipient of our energy.  They feel what we give them and they can show it back to us.  


She said ... is a prompt from a course I am taking called Community Grace with Hannah Marcotti.  The prompt was to go through text messages, emails, social channels, and interactions with our tribe and pull out the pieces when they hold up the mirror showing me where I am really there for them.  

I took some time to go through my facebook feed and found the above words written from others.  It opened up my eyes to the journey that I am on.  To quickly I can lose sight of all I am.  It is my tribe that constantly holds up the mirror and helps carry me through.  They reflect the purest pieces of me, and I do the same for them.  

This is a reminder that we are not meant to travel this journey alone.  We are meant to walk together.  To hold hands, laugh, and love.  

I encourage you to go through this exercise and see what you can unearth that your tribe has reflected back to you.  Write your own She Said and tuck it in your pocket to turn to again and again.  For what they say is the truth. Feel it, know it, believe it.