it is here

it is here

Do you ever feel like the world is writing your story for you.  It is as if you are just going through the motions.  You wake up, head to the shower, dry your hair, get dressed, make lunch for the day, check your email, then head out the door.  It is as if you on on autopilot.  You do not question it, you just move with the actions. 

Your nine to five work get's accomplished and when you arrive home for the evening there is a pile of laundry to get done, dinner to be cooked, some gym time to squeeze in, and before you know it the time has come for you to lay your head back down on the pillow.  You wonder how the time vanished so quickly.  You had big plans for when you got out of work yet for some reason they all slipped away.  

The weekends are different or so you hope.  You try to squeeze in as much as you can. Savor the moments, seek out adventure, finally sit down to write, and spend some time with those you love.  Yes the weekends are what you feel you are living for.  

But what if you could change that?  What if you could shift just a little bit to allow more space in your life to feel your heart light up.  It is here where it begins.  In this ordinary moment on the couch when you feel the time is slipping away.  Yes, right here.  Where you have the choice to do exactly what you are doing or do something that feeds your soul.  

Sometimes making this choice may feel like a big leap and a little bit of an indulgence.  You are sitting next to a pile of laundry how could you possibly say yes instead to going for a walk?  But what if you picked up the pace a little.  Folded the laundry quicker than you usually do by shutting off the TV and just concentrated on the folding.  Would there be a few spare minutes to take a walk around the block?  

And sometimes that is all you need a tiny sliver of time to get you back on track and feed your soul.  It is the smallest moments that can make the biggest impact.  You are the one who chooses what you do with your time.  You can let it slip quietly through your fingers or you can seek out what it is right here, right now that will make you happy.  

The other day I saw this quote online:  "Save the excuses.  It's not about "having" time.  It's about making time.  If it matter, you will make the time."  This stopped me dead in my tracks because all to often I use the excuse that I do not have the time yet I am the one allowing the time to slip through my fingers.  

Years ago I went through a fast food drive through.  At the little intercom I ordered my meal and a coke to go with it.  When I drove around to the window the women working handed me a drink that was red in color.  Very possibly it was a fruit punch, but definitely not a coke.  I kindly asked her if I could get the coke instead as I had order and her response to me was; "I do not have the time!"  I was a bit taken back.  First off how long could it possibly take to fill up another soda glass?  Secondly, that wasn't even what I ordered.  Every time I think of the phrase "I do not have the time" I think of that moment and always chuckle.  

But seeing that quote and remembering that interaction puts it all in a different perspective.  It wasn't that she didn't have the time, she just didn't want to do it.  Just like I alway use the excuse that I do not have the time there is something in me that just doesn't want to do it.  Is it fear?  It is laziness?  It is being distracted by other things?  

The only way the big shifts are going to happen is if we take the small steps toward them.  We cannot live our life on autopilot.  We cannot allow others to dictate what we are doing and when we can do it.  We must carve out even the smallest amounts to time to feed our soul and fill up our well.  

Because it is here, right here where it all begins.  

What small step can you take?  What one little move can you choose?  My one move is going to be to shut off the tv and just concentrate on one thing at a time.  I tend to keep the tv on for background noise then get caught up in what is going on that I never accomplish what I set out to do.  How about you?