
ramapo reservation

It is the way the leaves change color
And then they release
Spilling open to the ground
A new life
A different opportunity
A freedom to not have to hang on

This visual encourages me to spread my wings
Let go  
Shift into the possibilities of what can be
It feels powerful
Brimming with hope

There is no reason to hang on for to long
Sometimes you need to just walk away
Allow the openness to engulf you
Savor the new opportunities
Take time to play
And see where the road leads you

This is falling open
Releasing into the unknown
And bravely stepping in to the next phase
Seeking out the hidden chance
Not looking back
But carving a path ahead

This is what fall feels like to me
A chance to release
Try something new
Be brave
Stand in my own voice
And move fluidly throughout the season

As we dive into this next season I intend to capture the moments where I fall open through the hashtag #fallingopen   I do not want to let them slip by.  I want to savor the freedom.  Sink deep into this new beginning and fall open into all that is around me.  

The leaves are my inspiration, for they do it so well.  They hang on just long enough and then they  release.  The release is never easy but it is in that shift where a whole new world opens up and you never know what beauty may be there.  

I invite you to fall open with me by tagging your photos #fallingopen.  Together we can encourage one another and witness that shift that occurs with change.  How will you fall open?