braving the blues

It is this time of year where I feel a few steps behind everyone.  With the day's falling into darkness sooner than I am ready I seem to lose my footing.  The world spins on and I do not know how to keep up.  It is the darkness that drags me down.  

I remember when I started my first office job.  I was coming from the restaurant world where my hours were very different.  I worked mostly at night and had the day time to soak in sunshine and fresh air.  That first year at this job was one of my toughest.  I struggled to adjust to this new normal of leaving for work in the dark and coming home when it is dark.  The sunshine rarely found it's way to my face.  

It is during these dark months that I just want to curl up into bed as soon as I get home from work.  I lose my motivation and I know it is all due to the darkness.  I am a sunshine girl.  It is the sun that makes me smile and draws me out into the world.  I need the sun as it breaths life into me.  

Last year I put a plan into place to stay ahead of the struggle by listing out ten ways to help me brave the blues.  I also showed up throughout these months on instagram with the hashtag #bravingthblues.  Doing this helped me find the light within the darkness.  

We just changed the clocks this past Sunday and I can already feel myself sinking down the rabbit hole.  With the passing of my mom I know that this winter will be tougher than usual and I will need to find different ways to help push me out of the blues.  

During these darker days I am going to try to:

  • Exercise daily
  • Send snail mail
  • Write often
  • Push myself out of the house
  • Give myself permission to rest

I often try to do to much.  Rushing from one thing to the next.  I need to slow down.  Allow my mind and body time to rest and rejuvenate.  

I invite you to slow down with me.  To utilize #bravingtheblues and show how you are not letting the darkness win.  Going through a difficult time is always easier when you are doing it with others and know you aren't alone.  So jump on in.  Together we will make it through the winter blues.