tending to your heart

bench at lake

Moving through each day on autopilot
Gliding gently across the surface
Cleaning the dishes, making the bed, folding the laundry
Completing each task, and starting another one

What would happen if we put those thing on hold
Not forever, but for a moment in time
Instead of checking something off our list
What would happen if we fed our souls
If we did something that really moved us

Would the world come to a screeching halt?
Would your house crumble because there are dishes in the sink?
Would our spirits life while inspiration infused our soul

Ideas blooming from deep within
Small moments in time can have a big impact on our mind
Five minutes of dreaming can open up the door of possibility
Doing one small thing can bring a smile to your face
Filling you up from deep within

Let yourself go
Pick up a paintbrush, take out your notebook and pen
Turn on a song and dance
Soak in a hot bath and dream
Give yourself the gift of self love

What small thing can you do that will lift you up?
What speaks directly to your heart?

Tending to your heart will have a trickle affect
When you are fully fueled you will feel lighter, happier, kinder
This will lead you onto brighter pathways
Go ahead and dive into love, you can do it