braving the blues

This winter has been mild.  No snow and 50 degree weather.  I was prepared to bundle up and hunker down.  I had a plan in place to help me get through the bitter cold and so far I haven't had to dig much into it.  Rather the bright sunshine and warmer weather has gently invited me outside to play.  I have gone for long walks, laced up my running sneakers, and enjoyed many moments outside in the brilliant sunshine.  

We are over the hump of the darkness and as each day passes we are given just a little bit more day light.  I know we have all of January, February, and March ahead but here on the East Coast I am stepping into 2015 feeling happy and filled with gratitude.  Usually by now I am dragged down and depressed but this year joy has infused my heart and opened up my eyes t the goodness that swirls around.  

I have been braving the blues with each choice I make.  Choosing the gym over the couch.  Going swimming on Friday nights.  Lacing up my sneakers and getting outside for a run.  Taking time to create.  And nourishing my body with vegetables and juices.  I am choosing to navigate my own path and find my own way to happiness.  I will not allow the weather to get me down, instead I will create my own sunshine.  

How have you been fairing this winter?  What have you done to brave the blues?  How do you feel stepping into 2015?