what i have learned

Three things I have learned {so far} while training for the NYC Marathon

  1. Sleep is really important {and I don’t get enough of it}
  2. If I do not eat regularly throughout the day I will be ravenous {and you do not want to see me when I’m hungry.  Just ask Dustin}
  3. I will never regret pushing yourself out the door to run {although I will fight with myself hardcore until I take that first step}

Training is a journey.  I will not be able to wake up tomorrow and run 26.2 miles.  I will need to work up it.  I show up, day after day pushing myself a little bit further each time.  I have gotten stronger mentally and physically.  

I am learning how take care of my body and listen to what it needs.  I am treating it kindly with more sleep.  Eating more veggies and eating more often.  I am not giving up, even when I may want to.  

The best part is, I can see and feel the pay off.  I believe in myself.  I am willing to taking the risk.  I know what I want, and I am going after it.  It feels so good!