on blogging

There is something so fascinating about blogging
You set your soul free into this vast sea of content
Showing up time and time again
Sharing intimate details of how to navigate your heart
Showing your scars, your tears, and your laugh lines
You face your fears
You have setbacks
You stay away
But you always come back
Being here feels like home
With the light turned on you can see yourself again
For exactly who you are
There is a safety net that the screen provides
And the keys always allow you to type without judgment
Your history is contained within your site
You can scroll back and see how far you have come
You can talk a walk down memory lane
Shriek with embarrassment, be proud of what you did
And see how some things keep repeating themselves
There are highs and lows
Epic journeys taken
Moments captured that your heart forgot
it is amazing how space can hold so much of you
You never know if what you write is being read
But still, you show up
With gratitude in your heart
You spill open
Setting your words free