Jennifer Belthoff

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i begin...

I begin...
To see that I need to slow down
Stop, find my soul
Sit with my thoughts
Just be

I begin...
To see that I have to be kind with love
I can not push and pull
Laughter, hugs, deep embraces
Make love flourish

I begin...
Digging deep into who I am
Embracing my true calling
Following my heart
Shining bravely in the light

I begin...
To love who I am
Share my love with others
Give space for others to be,
As they and I are

I begin...
Living, breathing deeply
Digging into who I am
Letting go of expectation
Shedding layers of hurt

I begin...
Each day with my heart open
Ready to embrace the world
Seeking joy
And giggling in the rain

I begin...
And again
And again

Writing prompt inspired by the Inner Excavate Along with Liz Lamoreux