Jennifer Belthoff

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Mondo Beyondo

It is that time of year again

Time to dream BIG

Let it all out

Put them onto paper

Give your dreams a chance to speak

No dream is to small, silly, or to big

All dreams need to be heard

Time to set them into motion

Send them out into the universe

Say them out loud

Pick up your pen

Open up your heart and mind

And begin writing

List out all of those wild dreams you have

**teaching, **traveling to Bora Bora, **riding my bicycle cross country

Reach high

Go for it

Dream BIG

It is amazing what can unfold when you put it out there

When you let the universe know exactly what is calling to your heart

Little things happen

Seeds are planted

And somehow your dreams come true

I was skeptic at first to

But believe me

Some of my wildest dreams on my mondo beyondo list have come true

And really, what do you have to lose?

So pick up that pen and get writing

If you aren't sure how to start

Check out the

Mondo Beyondo online class

It is all about dreaming big

Andrea Scher


Jen Lemen

will guide you through

Opening your heart and

Giving your dreams a voice

And each year you will want to write a new list

Great things happen when you put your dreams out their

Happy dreaming!