Jennifer Belthoff

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There are many times I question

What is real in this world

What is our purpose for being here

What is it we are meant to be doing

Today those questions were answered

I saw and experienced what life is all about

Connecting with each other

Creating memories

Telling stories

Laughing about the past, the good times and the bad

Expressing appreciation

Drying tears from each others eyes

Standing next to one another

Holding hands

Giving a hug, and deeply feeling the embrace

It was a sad day

But there was so much love

The support that was shown for one another

Opened my heart

And showed me that life is about being there


In the moment with each other

Soaking it in

Appreciating the beauty

And fully living this life

We need one another

In times of sadness and in times of joy

We need to laugh with each other

Go for walks

Open our hearts

Do silly things

Cry when we need to

And just be there

With each other

And for each other

Life is such a mystery

Nothing is guaranteed

And nothing is certain

But right here, right now

We can just be who we are

And fall deeply into the connections

That encircle us

These friendships that fill our life with love