Jennifer Belthoff

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feeling alive

mindy and I at

squam by the sea

A year had past from when I first met Mindy on the Oregon Coast at the

Be Present Retreat

. At that time I had no idea of the incredible influence we would both have on one another. Thanks to

squam arts workshops

, Mindy and I had the opportunity to connect again in person near the ocean but this time on the opposite coast.

It was our last night by the sea. We were in the living room of the main house. Mindy sat with her elbows on her knees on the wooden coffee table directly across from me. I sat in the same position on the couch. We leaned into one another as we both opened up our hearts. I wanted to soak in Mindy as much as I could before we had to say our goodbyes.

Mindy's voice was filled with joy and enthusiasm as she talked about her painting and how I have inspired and opened her up. She shared with me some of her dreams as her eyes were sparkling and an enormous smile was beaming from her face. I sat there listening to her speak soaking in that beautiful accent of hers.

We spoke of writing and painting and reflected back to each other the beauty that we each radiate but sometimes struggle to see. Mindy cracked open my heart and soul. She gently lead me to see, feel, and know that my words have the ability to have an effect on others. They can inspire, heal, and even help someone.

As Mindy and I shared our stories my heart filled up with love and gratitude. The world works in magical ways. A girl from New Jersey and a girl from Arkansas crossed paths in Oregon. But that was just the beginning of their story.

I am so honored to watch Mindy spread her wings and fly. She is soaring and it is beautiful. I am also so grateful for that moment in time when I got to sat across from Mindy and felt truly alive. I look forward to all that has yet to be.


Mindy is a mixed media artist living in Arkansas. She has a passion and joy for life and a smile that is contagious. You can see read more about Mindy on her blog at

Tim's Sally

and see all of her beautiful creations in her

Etsy Shop
