Jennifer Belthoff

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Missing my friend

I opened up



And I was brought back to


To the days when things were simple between us

Laughter rose from deep inside

We spoke openly with one another

And truly listened to each others responses

We were honest



Things were easy

There was no drama, no anger, no stress

We promised each other we would always keep it that way

Especially because of everyone else involved

But look at things now

So complicated

So stressful

And me getting angry

I rarely get angry, how did this happen?

How did it all go wrong?

When will things get back on track?

What is the magical thing that has to happen for it to be



I miss the days of hanging out

Laughing together

Sharing stories

Listening to one another

No worries

No preconceived


No drama

No stress

I miss my friend

Will I ever see him again?