Jennifer Belthoff

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good enough

Previously the digital world was filled with perfectly curated moments.  It was only the things people wanted you to see and not exactly what was true in the moment.  The tiny corner in the room that looked fabulous but left out the mess that was next to it. The precisely edited video that cut out all the missteps and outtakes.  It felt a bit like rainbows and butterflies and not exactly what true life was.  

However, that need for perfection has shifted a bit in the midst of this new uncertainty that the Corona Virus had laid on us.  During this time of social distancing where we are asked to be apart, we are longing more than ever to be together. We want to hold onto some sense of normalcy and are seeking out new and different ways to connect.  

This has opened the door for the messy, imperfect, authentic moments to unfold.  Fumbling with online video, sound not being exactly right, the background behind you a bit in disarray.  It’s ok if you don’t start exactly on time. It’s ok if you try to figure it out while people are on the line.  It’s all ok.  

This moment in time is unique because it is something we have never gone through before and we are all figuring it out together.   We have no idea what tomorrow will bring, in fact, no idea what the next hour will bring. All we can do is show up where we are, exactly as we are.  Even if, and especially if that is not the sparkling versions of ourselves.  

Maybe you choose to get dressed today and put on makeup.  Maybe it’s 8 pm and you realize you haven’t gotten out of your pj’s.  Both are totally ok. You need to do what feels right for you and ditch any ideas of perfection.

The dishes in my sink are piling up.  There are stacks of books on my studio floor.  I am still rocking my comfy clothes. I am giving myself permission to just be as I am.  To do what feels right.  

And I am showing up where I can.  Taking it all digital and getting in front of the camera even when it feels uncomfortable.  Creating Zoom calls to connect my nieces and nephews with their other cousins. Giving them activities they can do virtually together so that they can see one another and laugh.  Happy hour’s with friends and family. Communing with other teachers in the area for virtual gatherings. Creating a place to land with a weekly virtual Community Circle.  

None of it is perfect.  There have been missteps along the way.  Moments when I fumble over words or have no idea what I am going to say next. But it’s good enough, and sometimes that is exactly what we need, good enough.  

I invite you to show up exactly as you are.  Perfectly imperfect. Knowing that you, as you are, is good enough. And that is all the world and those around you need right now.