Jennifer Belthoff

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2017 Inventory

As 2017 is coming to a close I have been digging in, looking back and seeing what was.  It is amazing what surfaces when we take the time to slow down, see how far we have come, and look at what we made it through. 

This past year has been filled with a lot of up's and downs like all years have.  I wouldn't rank it as being one of my favorites.  I carry with me a whole set of battle scars.  It wasn't a stellar year but I definitely learned a lot. 

Below is an exercise I like doing at the end of every year.  A year end inventory of sorts.  It is a great way to reflect.  

>> 2017 felt like a blur.  I don't even know what happened and feel like I wasn't present.  In this moment I see how deeply I need to spend time with my notebook.  It is in that sacred space that I allow myself to open up.
>> I did to much of not being present and blindly moving through each day without feeling. 
>> I did to little of sharing my heart and speaking how I felt.  
>> I never should have stopped paying attention and thinking I was invincible.  
>> I am glad I got rocked to my core because it has woken me up and made me see how I need to be more present.
>> I learned that life can throw you curveballs and try to teach you lessons.  But it is only when you are truly ready do you learn them.  And then sometimes you even forget them. 
>> My biggest adventures were our August road trip to Maine and finding my way to the first marathon viewing stop all on my own.
>> My most romantic moment was walking hand in hand with him underneath the glow of the moonlight.
>> I celebrated choosing to show up at "She Recovers" and boldly allowing myself to know that there is something I need to recover from.
>> I never expected to be single.
>> I was unable to find my confidence in teaching yoga and never took the leap to try to find a teaching position.
>> I can't believe that I am so terrible with money.  That needs to change in 2018.
>> I became closer with some friends and family due to heartbreak and I want to continue to nurture those relationships.
>> I let go of my voice and I need to stand tall in it.
>> I loved being with my nieces and nephews.  Receiving a hug from them made my day that much better.  
>> The major life change that occurred was shifting to being single and living alone.
>> If I had to sum up 2017 in one sentence it would be:  What the heck happened?
>> 2017 Theme Song: Waiting For My Real Life to Begin by Colin Hay

What does your 2017 inventory look and feel like?