Jennifer Belthoff

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tossing your old story

You have to stop telling yourself that old story
You know how it goes
The one that says you aren't good enough
You don't matter
You have no idea what you are doing
That one story that has been playing on repeat
Dragging you through the mud
Yes, now is the time to let it go
That story no longer serves you
Because you, yes YOU
Are a divine human being
What you do and what you say matters in this world
That other story, it's just nonsense
And it doesn't deserve a single second more of your time
So drop it
Right here, right now
Toss that story into the fire and watch it burn
As flames engulf this old story allow new words to fill your heart
Words of love, light, happiness, and strength
Because you, yes YOU
Are strong, brave, fierce, and incredible
You impact individuals with your quiet way of knowing
Your presence is calming
And the way you invite others in makes them feel right at home
You care about connection, love, and kindness
You aren't afraid to stand up for what you believe in
Or take the time to put in the hard work
You my dear are a rockstar, a total rockstar
So toss out that old story
And embrace a new one
The one that says "Hello world, here I am, ready to shine"